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Friday 18 November 2011

[Yaadein_Meri] How to taste the true beauty of Salah


Assalam'alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
Salah is one of the pillars on which the superstructure of Islam stands. When we are in Salah, we are in a sense in direct communion with our Creator. True, we cannot see Him, but we should recognize that He can see us. And can observe the quality of our Salah. Whether it is heartfelt, read with respect and adoration for our Creator, or read with a sense of being resigned to doing so for it is one of the requirements of a "good" Muslim, is something that can only be of concern to the person in Salah. Being in either one of these categories (or somewhere in between, if that is possible) is of interest (and importance) to each individual, for it is a very personal matter, one that cannot be broadcast to others for fear of diluting its' quality (or lack of it).
One can get really lost in Salah, and if read with due diligence, can transport us to a totally different plane, where the worries and burdens that we as humans undergo in our daily lives pale into insignificance as we pray to Allah reverently. And we can rest assured that Allah knows our intentions totally, and will reward us based on the quality of our Salah. And remember, Salah (its' proper observance) will be a matter that we will be questioned about after we die. If we succeed in this section, the rest of our questioning will, Insha Allah, also be successful. We should, as a result, be able to confidently conclude that Salah is a matter that should be of prime importance to us in our daily lives, for we are to engage in it five times a day, at appointed times.
You will find the attached booklet that is written in a lively manner very interesting, as it seeks to make the reader appreciate the nuances of Salah. As you go through it, you cannot help but be affected by its' infectious style, as it seeks to educate us into what Salah is all about.
Please save this booklet and read it at leisure. Please also share this with all your people so they too may benefit from the wisdom contained in it.
Stay Blessed and have a nice week.


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