From: The Washington Post <newsletters@email.washingtonpost.com>
Date: Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 10:42 PM
Subject: News Alert: Neil Armstrong, first man to walk on the moon, dies at 82, family says
To: faizalnajdi@gmail.com
Neil Armstrong, first man to walk on the moon, dies at 82, family says | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Health & Science
Neil Armstrong, first man to step on the moon, dies at 82
Neil Armstrong, the astronaut who marked an epochal achievement in exploration with "one small step" from the Apollo 11 lunar module on July 20, 1969, becoming the first person to walk on the moon, has died at 82.
The family announced the death in a statement Saturday but did not disclose when or where he died. They attributed it to "complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures."
A taciturn engineer and test pilot who was never at ease with his fame, Mr. Armstrong was among the most heroized Americans of the 1960s Cold War space race.
Twelve years after the Soviet Sputnik satellite reached space first, deeply alarming U.S. officials, and after President John F. Kennedy in 1961 declared it a national priority to land an American on the moon "before this decade is out," Mr. Armstrong, a former Navy fighter pilot, commanded the NASA crew that finished the job.
The crew's trip to the moon — particularly the hair-raising final descent from lunar orbit to the treacherous surface — was history's boldest feat of aviation. Yet what the experience meant to him, what he thought of it all on an emotional level, he mostly kept to himself.
Like his boyhood idol, transatlantic aviator Charles A. Lindbergh, Mr. Armstrong learned how uncomfortable the intrusion of global acclaim can be. And just as Lindbergh had done,he eventually shied from the public and avoided the popular media.
In time, he became almost mythical.
Mr. Armstrong was "exceedingly circumspect" from a young age, and the glare of international attention "just deepened a personality trait that he already had in spades," said his authorized biographer, James R. Hansen, a former NASA historian.
In an interview, Hansen, author of "First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong," cited another "special sensitivity" that made the first man on the moon a stranger on Earth.
"I think Neil knew that this glorious thing he helped achieve for the country back in the summer of 1969 — glorious for the entire planet, really — would inexorably be diminished by the blatant commercialism of the modern world," Hansen said.
"And I think it's a nobility of his character that he just would not take part in that."
A love of flying
The perilous, 195-hour journey that defined Mr. Armstrong's place in history — from the liftoff of Apollo 11 on July 16, 1969, to the capsule's splashdown in the Pacific eight days later — riveted the world's attention, transcending cultural, political and generational divides in an era of profound social tumult and change in the United States.
As Mr. Armstrong, a civilian, and his crewmates, Air Force pilots Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collins, hurtled through space, television viewers around the globe witnessed a drama of spellbinding technology and daring. About a half-billion people listened to the climactic landing and watched a flickering video feed of the moon walk.
At center stage, cool and focused, was a pragmatic, 38-year-old astronaut who would let social critics and spiritual wise men dither over the larger meaning of his voyage. When Mr. Armstrong occasionally spoke publicly about the mission in later decades, he usually did so dryly, his recollections mainly operational.
Neil Armstrong and his fellow Apollo astronauts should be remembered until the end of human history, but where are all the pioneers of the final frontier that we should be celebrating as well? They're putting together tinkertoys in low-earth orbit. How many thousands of aerospace engineers and scientists are busy squeezing maximum profits out of our bloated defense budget, while NASA, on a shoestring budget, sends robots to do mankind's job?
So a great man passes, and with him go too many of our dreams.
My condolences to his family.
I was especially happy when
he made the news to tell
Obama not to cut the NASA
He was the first "Curiosity"!
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