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Friday 21 December 2012

[Yaadein_Meri] Fw: RE: Brief Bio Graphy Of Abu Bakr - Siddeeq E Akbar R.A.


--- On Fri, 12/21/12, Zain Syed <> wrote:

هُوَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَى وَدِينِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّينِ كُلِّهِ وَكَفَى بِاللَّهِ شَهِيدًا ﴿48:28﴾ 
(48:28) He it is Who sent His Messenger with the True Guidance and the Religion of Truth that He may make it prevail over every religion. Sufficient is Allah as a witness (to this). *51


مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ أَشِدَّاءُ عَلَى الْكُفَّارِ رُحَمَاءُ بَيْنَهُمْ تَرَاهُمْ رُكَّعًا سُجَّدًا يَبْتَغُونَ فَضْلًا مِنَ اللَّهِ وَرِضْوَانًا سِيمَاهُ
 فِي وُجُوهِهِمْ مِنْ أَثَرِ السُّجُودِ ذَلِكَ مَثَلُهُمْ فِي التَّوْرَاةِ وَمَثَلُهُمْ فِي الْإِنْجِيلِ كَزَرْعٍ أَخْرَجَ شَطْأَهُ فَآَزَرَهُ فَاسْتَغْلَظَ فَاسْتَوَى عَلَى سُوقِهِ يُعْجِبُ الزُّرَّاعَ لِيَغِيظَ بِهِمُ الْكُفَّارَ وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ مِنْهُمْ مَغْفِرَةً وَأَجْرًا عَظِيمًا ﴿48:29﴾ 
(48:29) Muhammad is Allah's Messenger, and those who are with him are firm with the unbelievers *52 but compassionate with one another. *53 You see them occupied in bowing and prostrating and in seeking Allah's bounty and good pleasure. They are distinguished *54 from others by the marks of prostration on their faces. Thus are they described in the Torah. *55 And their parable in the Gospel is that of *56 a tilth that puts forth its shoot, then strengthens it so that it becomes stout and stands firmly on its stem. This is a sight pleasing to the sowers and one by which the unbelievers will be enraged. As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, Allah has promised them forgiveness and a great reward. *57
Forgive me as I am compelled to send this little lengthy response to educate these deviated shias and rafideez about Sayyidna Abu Bakr As Siddeeq And Omar Al Farooq R.A. 
Ibn Saaba the yahoodi from yemen during the time of Sayyidna Ali R.A sowed the seeds of doubts in the hearts and minds of forefathers of these deviated shias and rafideez and created a dogmatic belief of Imaamat and Khilafat and exaggerated the personality of Ali R.A. for which he was given a chance to repent but upon showing no remorse was punished and burned alongwith his companions which is recorded in the books of Ahle Tashi.  Looking at present day deviated shias and rafideez we can observe how succesfull he was like paul of christianity in creating division in Islam by sowing the seeds of doubts resulting in jealousy and enemity like that of Iblees towards the most trusted and confidant Sahaba and Khulafa e Rashidoon. Ironically todate they are following the same footsteps of their deviated forefathers to create doubts in the hearts and minds of the majority rightly guided Muslim Ummah.
Please read this brief Bio Graphy of Sayyidna Abu Bakr As Siddeeq from authentic sources.
May Allah Taala keep us all on the straight path and guided the misguided. 

Starting Life

"No one has been a better companion to me than Abu Bakr," said the holy Prophet in his last sermon.
A great reward indeed! Abu Bakr had earned it. All his life he stood by the side of the Prophet. He did not care for his life. He did not care for his riches. He did not care for what others said about him. His only ambition was to serve the Prophet more than anyone else. The cost did not matter. The ambition was fulfilled. And Abu Bakr got his reward in full. The Messenger of Allah was well pleased with him. He gave him the first place among the Companions. Abu Bakr was to be the first man to fill the place of the Prophet. He was also to lie in eternal rest by the prophet's side.

Abu Bakr was two years younger than the Prophet. His parents named him Abdul Kaaba, which means the servant of the Kaaba. When he became a Muslim, the Prophet changed his pagan name to Abdullah. however, in early youth he had adopted the surname of Abu Bakr. He had come to be known by this name among people. Even to this day, the world generally knows him as Abu Bakr.

The name of Abu Bakr's father was Uthman, but he was known as Abu Qahafa. Salma was Abu Bakr's mother. She was also known as Umm-ul-Khair. Abu Bakr belonged to a branch of the Quraish.

From early years, Abu Bakr was known for good and upright nature. He was honest and truthful. He came of a noble family. These things won him respect among the people. His goodness also won him the friendship of young Muhammad (Peace be Upon him). The two became fast friends in early boyhood. The friendship was to prove lifelong and history-making.

When he grew up, Abu Bakr became a rich merchant. But he used to be very kind-hearted. When he saw someone in trouble, his heart melted. He did his best to help him. If his money could remove suffering, he did not care home much he had to spend. Once he gave away thirty-five dirhams out of his total fortune of forty thousand. He was so honest in his dealings that people kept their money with him. Above all, Abu Bakr had a sincere heart and a firm will. Nothing could stop him from doing what he thought was the right thing to do.

These great qualities were soon to serve the noblest cause known to the world. Abu Bakr was to become the strongest supporter of the Redeemer of mankind. He was to become the first among the Companions. He was to make Arabia and thereby the world safe for Islam after the Prophet has passed away.

Service to the Prophet First among Men

Abu Bakr was always very close to the holy Prophet. He knew him better than any other man. He knew how honest and upright his friend had always been. So he was the first among men to believe in the Prophet's mission. He was the first adult male to accept Islam. After the first revelation, the holy Prophet told him what had happened at Mount Hira. He told him that Allah had made him His Messenger. Abu Bakr did not stop to think. He at once became a Muslim. Once the holy Prphet himself remarked, "I called people to Islam. Everybody thought over it, at least for a while. But this was not the case with Abu Bakr. The moment I put Islam before him, he accepted it without any hesitation."

Abu Bakr did more than that. As soon as he became a Muslim, he began to preach Islam to others. He had many friends. The friends knew that Abu Bakr was sincere and truthful. They knew he would never support a wrong cause. He called them to Islam and they became Muslims. Among them were men like Uthman, Zubair, Talha, Abdur Rahman bin Auf and Saad bin Waqqas. These men later became the pillars of Islam.

The holy Prophet called at Abu Bakr's house every day. The two sat down and thought out ways of spreading Islam. Together they went to people and places and delivered the message of Allah. Wherever the holy Prophet went, Abu Bakr went with him.

Risks His Life

The message of Islam made the people of Mecca very angry. The idols were their gods. The holy Prophet openly mocked at these gods. He declared they could do neither any good nor harm. Among the chiefs of Mecca was one Abu Jahl. He became the greatest enemy of the holy Prophet. He was always on the lookout to hurt him or even kill him, if he could. Abu Bakr kept an eye on this man, lest he should do a grave harm to Islam.

One day the holy Prophet was saying his prayers in the Kaaba. He was totally lost in the thoughts of Allah. Abu Jahl and some other chiefs of Mecca were sitting in the courtyard of the Kaaba. "I must finish with Muhammad today," said Abu Jahl. So saying, he took a long piece of cloth. He put it around the holy Prophet's neck. Then he twisted it hard. He was going to strangle the Messenger of Allah to death. The other chiefs looked on and laughed.

Abu Bakr happened to see this from a distance. He at once ran to the help of the Prophet. He pushed Abu Jahl aside and took off the cloth from around the holy Prophet's neck. Thereupon Abu Jahl and other enemies of Islam came down upon Abu Bakr. They beat him very much. Indeed, the beating was so severe that Abu Bakr fell down senseless. He was carried home. He could not regain his senses till after several hours. And when he did come to himself, the first question he asked was, "Is the Prophet un-hurt?" Abu Bakr did not care for his own suffering. He was glad that he was able to save the Prophet's life. Abu Bakr knew full well that if any harm came to the Prophet, the only hope of mankind would be gone. This made him risk everything he held dear, for the safety of the Prophet and for the spread of his message.

Liberation of Slaves

As years went by, the people of Mecca became more and more hard upon the Muslims. They made life difficult for them. Muslim slaves who had non-Muslim masters were the worst sufferers. They could not run away from their cruel masters, nor would they give up their faith. The heartless masters tried all kinds of torture to make them give up Islam. They made them lie, all naked, on burning sand. Then they put big stones on their chests. The poor slaves silently bore this all. They had no way of escape. Some of them found escape only in death.

Abu Bakr's wealth came to the rescue of many helpless Muslim slaves. He bought them from their inhuman masters and set them free. Bilal, the negro, was one of such slaves. He was the slave of Omayya bin Khalaf. Omayya was a heartless man. He would strip Bilal of all clothes, make him lie on the burning sand at mid-day and then lash him mercilessly. Despite this torture Bilal would go on saying, "Allah is one! Allah is one!" One day Abu Bakf happened to pass by. He was greatly moved by the sight. "Why are you so cruel to this helpless man?" he asked Omayya. "If you feel for him, why don't you buy him?" retorted Omayya. So Abu Bakr at once bought Bilal at a heavy price and set him free. Bilal afterwards became the well-known "Muazzin" [ one who gives the call for prayer ] at the Prophet's Mosque.

Migration to Abyssinia

When Muslims found life difficult at Mecca, they thought of going to some other land. With the permission of the holy Prophet, a part of them went to Abyssinia. here they lived in peace. So many more Muslims followed them.

Being the first man to go over to Islam, Abu Bakr had brought upon himself the special anger and hatred of the Meccan chiefs. Soon he felt hard pressed and asked permission of the Holy Prophet to go to Abyssinia. The permission was granted and Abu Bakr set off on his journey.

On the way he met the chief of Qara, Ibn-ud-Daghna. "What place are you bound for, Abu Bakr?" he asked.

"The people of Mecca have cast me out," replied Abu Bakr. "I am going to Abyssinia. There I will be able to worship the Lord the way I want to."

"A man like you should not be cast out," said Ibn-ud-Daghna. "You help the poor. You are kind to those in trouble. You are so nice to your guests. I will take you back to Mecca on my own responsibility."

So Abu Bakr ws back at Mecca. Ibn-ud-Daghna declared to the people that Abu Bakr was under his protection, so no one was to harm him. The Meccans said that they would let Abu Bakr alone, only if he did not preach his faith publicly.

Abu Bakr could not act on this condition very long. Soon he was preaching Islam as openly as ever. The Meccans complained to Ibn-ud-Daghna. He requested Abu Bakr not to make his position difficult. To this Abu Bakr replied, "I do not need your protection. Allah is enough for me."

The Title of "Siddiq"

In the tenth year of his mission, the holy Prophet had the Miraj of Ascension. One night the angel Gabriel came with the word that Allah the Almighty wanted the holy Prophet to come all the way up to the highest heaven. The holy Prophet undertook the journey.

In the morning, after the ascension had taken place, the holy Prophet talked to people about the Miraj. This drew the jeers of his enemies.

"Look!" the howled out, "what nonsense he talks! Surely, now his followers too will laugh at him. Who is going to believe in such a midsummer night dream?"

The talk was going on when Abu Bakr came up. "Do you know, Abu Bakr, what news your friend has for you in the morning?" said one of the mean. "He says he was on the highest heaven last night, having a talk with Allah, the Almighty. Would you believe it?"

"I would believe anything that the Messenger of Allah says," replied Abu Bakr

When the holy Prophet learnt of this, he at once said, "Abu Bakr is the `Siddiq'." `Siddiq' is a person so sincere of heart that doubts never mar his love. Abu Bakr earned this title because of his faith was too strong to be shaken by anything.

Migration to Medina

W hen the Meccans were intent on putting out, once and for all, the light of Islam, Allah commanded the holy Prophet to move to Medina. In the burning heat of the midday sun, there was a knock at Abu Bakr's door. He ran to the door and found the Messenger of Allah standing outside. "I must leave for Medina tonight," said he.

"Will I also have the honor of going with you?" asked Abu Bakr eagerly.

"Of course," came the reply. "Set about getting things ready."

Abu Bakr was beside himself with joy. "I have been looking forward to this day for months," he exclaimed. "I have specifically kept two camels to carry us to Medina."

It was Abu Bakr who made all the arrangements for the historic journey. for three days he and the Prophet lay hidden in the Thaur cave. Abu Bakr's slave tended the flocks of goats near the cave all day and supplied them fresh milk for food. His son, Abdullah, brought news about what the Meccans were doing.

The Meccans were searching for the holy Prophet like mad hounds. Once they came right to the mouth of the cave. Abu Bakr grew pale with fright. He feared, not for himself, but for the Prophet. However, the holy Prophet remained perfectly calm. "Do not fear," he said to Abu Bakr, "certainly Allah is with us."

Of all the companions, Abu Bakr had the honor of being with the Prophet during the most critical days of his life. Abu Bakr knew full well what this honor meant. And he did full justice to the trust put in him.

Participation in Battles

A bu Bakr took part in all the battles that the holy Prophet had to fight. All his life, he fought bravely under the banner of the Prophet. At Ohud and Hunain, some of the men showed weakness. They forgot to do their duty. But Abu Bakr's faith never wavered. He always stood like a rock by the side of the Prophet.

At Badr, one of Abu Bakr's sons, who had not yet embraced Islam, was fighting on the side of the Meccan. Afterwards, when he became a Muslim, he one day said, "Father! at Badr you were twice under my sword. But my love for you held back my hand."

"Son!" remarked Abu Bakr, "if I had got that chance only once, you must have been no more."

When peace talks at Hudaibiya were going on, Abu Bakr sat by the side of the Prophet. During conversation, the spokesman of the Quraish ever now and then gave a jerk to the beard of the Prophet, after the Arab fashion. This was too much for Abu Bakr. He took out his sword and looked angrily at the man. "If that hand touches the beard of the Prophet again," he warned, "it will not be allowed to go back."

This amazed the Meccan agents. "What a change in Abu Bakr!" they whispered to one another. "He was known for soft-heartedness. How strong and firm he is now become! He is no longer the self-same Abu Bakr."

Tabuk was the last expedition of the holy Prophet. He was keen to make it a great success. He asked people to help the expedition with whatever they could. This time Abu Bakr beat all past records. He took all his money and household articles and heaped them at the Prophet's feet.

"Have you left back anything for your wife and children?" asked the holy Prophet.

"Allah and His Apostle are enough for them," replied Abu Bakr calmly. Those standing around were stunned. It was impossible to outdo Abu Bakr in the field of service to Islam.

The holy Prophet felt much pleased at this answer. He made Abu Bakr the standard-bearer of the expedition.

Abu Bakr's closeness to the Prophet and his boundless devotion to Islam won him universal respect. Not only was he the first man to accept Islam, he was also the foremost among Muslims to uphold the cause of Islam.

Agent to the Prophet

Mecca fell in the eight year of Hijra. Kaaba was, for the first time, in the hands of Muslims. It had to be cleaned of the traces of idol-worship and the silly practices of pagan days. Hitherto pagan Arabs had done absurd things at the time of Hajj. They went around the House of Allah naked. They did many other foolish and unclean things. All this had to be stopped.

The first Hajj under Islam fell in the ninth year of Hijra. The holy Prophet was too busy at Medina to lead the Hajj himself. So he sent Abu Bakr as his agent. He was to lead the Hajj in place of the Prophet. Ali was also sent with Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr read the Khutba (Sermon) of Hajj. Then Ali stood up and read out to the people the commandments of Allah concerning the idolworshippers. From that year on, they were forbidden to enter the Kaaba.

Ever since he came to Medina, the holy Prophet himself led prayers in the Prophet's Mosque. It was an unusually high office which the Messenger of Allah himself filled. During his last illness, the holy Prophet could no longer lead prayers. He grew too weak to go to the mosque. He had to appoint someone to act in his place. This honor also fell to the lot of Abu Bakr. Aisha, who was Abu Bakr's daughter and a wife of the holy Prophet, thought that the burden was too much for her tender-hearted father. She pleaded with the holy Prophet to excuse here father from this duty. But the holy Prophet did not change his mind.

Thus in the lifetime of the holy Prophet Abu Bakr came to fill the highest office under Islam. One day Abu Bakr was away on some business and Omar led the prayer in his absence. "This is not Abu Bakr's voice," remarked the ailing Messenger of Allah. "No one but he should lead prayers. He is the fittest person for this high office."

On the last day of his life, the condition of the holy Prophet became suddenly better for a while. It was early morning. Abu Bakr was leading the prayer in the mosque. The holy Prophet lifted the curtain of his door and fixed his gaze on the worshippers. They were busy in prayer under Abu Bakr's leadership. A smile lite up on the pale face of the holy Prophet. He let go of the curtain, as his weak hand could no longer hold it. But he was happy at the thought that he had chosen the best man to fill his place.

Abu Bakr Elected Caliph A Critical Moment

The holy Prophet occupied a unique place among his people. He was everything to them. From warring ignorant pagans, he had made them a nation of peaceful, God-fearing people. They were "dead" as the Quran puts it and the holy Prophet had "raised them to life." So they rightly came to look upon him as the giver of life. Life without him seemed to be an empty thing.

The news of the Prophet's death came as a stunning shock to everyone. How could it be? He had been ill for some days, they all knew. But death was unbelievable. That simply could not be. A huge crows gathered in the mosque. No one knew what to do. There was utter confusion. Omar was so overcome with emotion that he drew his sword and declared, "If anyone says that the Messenger of Allah is dead. I will cut off his head!"

Things were in this state when Abu Bakr entered the mosque. Finding the holy Prophet better that morning, he had gone a few miles outside of Medina, earlier in the day, but had come back on hearing the sad news. He took his stand in a corner of the courtyard and called out to the people. All eyes were turned towards him. Then he began his famous address:

"O people! If anyone among you worshipped Muhammad, let him know that Muhammad is dead. But those who worship Allah, let him know that He lives and will never die. Let all of us recall the words of the Qur'an. It says, `Muhammad is only a Messenger of Allah There have been Messengers before him. What then, will you turn back from Islam, if he dies or is killed?"

These words of Abu Bakr worked magic. In no time the confusion was gone. The words of the Qur'an swept of all doubts from people's minds. They got ready to face facts.

Election of Abu Bakr

The first problem before the people was the election of a new leader. There had to be a head of the State of things could not work. The need was too urgent to allow delay. Delay might have meant disorder and the undoing of all that the Messenger of Allah had done. The prophet of Allah had died but the head of the state had to live on.

The two big groups among Muslims were the Muhajirin (refugees from Mecca ) and the Ansar (helpers or the people of Medina). The Ansar gathered together at Thaqifa Bani Saida, their meeting place, near the house of Saad bin Abada. The talk naturally centered around the election of a Caliph. Saad, the Ansar leader, stood up and said that the Caliph must be from among them. Many voices seconded him. One man, however, stood up and said, "But how about the Muhajirin? They have perhaps a better claim." "Then let there be two caliphs," suggested someone, "one from among the Ansar and the other from among the Muhajirin."

Someone told Abu Bakr what was going on at this gathering. He saw the need to act quickly or confusion might set in again. So taking with him a part of Muhajirin he went to Thaqif Bani Saida. He addressed the gathering and said, "Both the Muhajirin and the Ansar have done great services to Islam. But the former were the first to accept Islam. They were always very close to the Messenger of Allah. So, O Ansar, let the Caliph be from among them."

To this a man from the Khazraj tribe replied, "If you don't want a Caliph from among us, let there be two Caliphs, one an Ansari and the other a Muhajif."

"That won't work," said Abu Obaida bin Jarrah. "O Ansar, you are the people who made Islam strong now, don't do anything that may undo your work."

Hearing this, another man said, "O Ansar, if we did anything for Islam, we did it to please Allah and His Apostle. We did not thereby oblige anybody. This should not be made a plea to win office. Listen, the holy Prophet belonged to the Quraish tribe. The Quraish have a greater right to fill his place. By Allah, I do not think it right to quarrel with them over this matter. Fear Allah, and do not oppose them."

This speech of a man from among them silenced the Ansar. They agreed to have a Muhajif as the Caliph. So Abu Bakr said, "Friends, I think either Omar or AbuObaida should be the Caliph. Chose one of these two gentleman."

Hearing this both Omar and Abu Obaida jumped to their feet, and exclaimed, "O Siddiq, how can that be? How can anyone else fill this office as long as you are among us? You are the top man among the Muhajirin. You were the companion of the holy Prophet in the Thaur Cave. You led prayers in his place, during his last illness. Prayer is the foremost thing in Islam. With all these qualifications, you are the fittest person to be the successor of the holy Prophet. Hold out your hand that we many pledge loyatly to you."

But Abu Bakr did not stretch out his hand. Omar saw that delay might lead to the reopening of the whole question. That could easily create difficulties. So he himself took Abu Bakr's hand and pledged loyalty to him. Others followed his example. Men from all sides rushed to pledge loyalty to the successor of the Prophet. Abu Bakr became Caliph by the general consent of the people.

The First Address

On the following day, Abu Bakr went to the Prophet's mosque Here people took the general oath of loyalty. When this was over, Abu Bakr mounted the pulpit as the Caliph of Islam. Then he spoke to the gathering as follows:

"O people, I have been elected your leader, although I am not better than anyone from among you. If I do any good, give me your support. If I go wrong, set me right. Listen, truth is honesty and untruth is dishonesty. The weak among you are powerful in my eyes, as long as I do not get them their due, Allah willing. The powerful among you are weak in my eyes, as long as I do not take away from them what is due to others, Allah willing."

"Listen, if people give up striving for the cause of Allah, Allah sends down disgrace on them. If a people become evil doers, Allah sends down calamities on them."

"Listen, you must obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger. If I disobey Allah and His Messenger, you are free to disobey me."

Such was the Magna Carta granted by the first Caliph of Islam to his people, on the first day of his rule, without their asking. Abu Bakr showed by his example that in Islam government means government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Ali's Delay

Four or six months Ali and some of his relatives did not pledge loyalty to Abu Bakr. That was because of a difference of opinion with the Caliph. The holy Prophet had some land at Medina and Khaibar. His daughter, Fatima, and his uncle, Abbas, laid claim to this land. But Abu Bakr set aside the claim, in the light of what the holy Prophet himself had said. "We Prophets cannot be inherited," was his saying; "whatever we leave behind is public property."

Fatima new nothing of this saying of her father. She thought she was perfectly right in her claim. This created a little bitterness in her mind, and the mind of her husband, Ali. The hypocrites were quick to add to the misunderstanding.

But Abu Bakr and Ali were equally unselfish. During Fatima's illness, Abu Bakr himself went to see her and cleared away the misunderstanding. After her death, Ali went to Abu Bakr and said, "O Siddiq, we admit your superiority. We do not envy the position Allah has given you. But as relatives of the holy Prophet, we thought Caliphate to be our right. You had taken away this right of ours."

These words brought tears in Abu Bakr's eyes and he said, "By Allah, the relatives of the Prophet are dearer to me than my own relatives."

The assurance satisfied Ali. He went to the mosque and publicly took the pledge of loyalty.

Usama's Expedition

Some weeks before his death, the holy Prophet has nominated Usama to lead an expedition against Syria. He was to avenge the death of his father, Zaid, the freed slave of the holy Prophet. Zaid was killed by the Syrians in the battle of Muta. The preparations of the expedition were under way when the holy Prophet fell seriously ill and passed away. That help up Usama's expedition for some weeks. As soon as Abu Bakr became Caliph, the first thing he thought of was the sending out of the expedition.

The death of the holy Prophet led some people to think that Islam was going to end with him. Many tribes had entered the fold of Islam only a short time before. They were by no means firm in the new faith. Many of them, now, showed signs of bolting out of the fold of Islam. Abu Bakr was facing a difficult situation.

But Abu Bakr had to carry out the commands of the Prophet at all costs. He was determined to send out the expedition planned by the Messenger of Allah. Some of the companions said that he had better drop the idea for the time being. Trouble was brewing all around, they said. It was unwise to send troops out when they were urgently needed at home. But Abu Bakr would not listen to them. "How can I fold up the flag," he asked, "which the holy Prophet himself unfurled? It is simply unthinkable."

Then someone suggested that Usama was too raw – he was below twenty – to lead the expedition. It was wiser to put a more experienced man in command. The suggestion made Abu Bakr angry. "What right have I," he demanded, "to dismiss a man appointed by the Messenger of Allah?"

So the expedition left under Usama, about three weeks after the passing away of the holy Prophet. Abu Bakr accompanied Usama some distance out of Medina. The youthful commander was riding a horse, while the Caliph walked by his side. Usama said, "O successor of the holy Prophet, you also get on a horse and allow men to get down."

"By Allah," replied Abu Bakr, "I will agree to neither of the two things. What harm is there is there if a little dust falls on my feet, while I go some steps in the way of Allah? For every step one takes in Allah's way, one gets the reward of seven hundred good deeds."

Omar was also one of the men under Usama's command. But Abu Bakr needed him, at Medina, for purposed of advice. So he made a request to Usama, to allow Omar to remain in Medina. The request was granted.

Before the Caliph bade farewell to Usama, he gave him much useful advice. Some of it was:

"Look! Be not dishonest. Do not deceive anyone. Do not hide the booty you get. Do not mutilate anyone. Do not kill the aged, the children and the women. Do not set fire to date-palms. Do not cut down fruit trees. Do not slaughter a goat, or a cow, or a camel, except for purposes of food. You will come across people who have give up the world and are sitting in monasteries. Leave them alone."

Usama's expedition proved very successful. He raided the frontier districts of Syria and was back in Medina after forty days.

The expedition had another good result. It proved an eye-opener to those who thought Islam was dying out. They had a clear proof that Islam was still able to challenge one of the greatest powers of the world. This overawed the wavering tribes. Some of the tribes which had left Islam actually, reentered its fold.


Abu Bakr's Last Illness

On the 7th of Jamadi-ul-Akhir, 13 A.H., Abu Bakr was taken ill. He had sever fever. Everything was done to bring down the fever, but all in vain. It became clear to the aged Caliph that his end was come.
Even in these last days, the thought that troubled Abu Bakr was the future of Islam. He wanted to make sure that nothing would go wrong with the affairs of Muslims, after he was no more. He had to spend every ounce of his energy to put down the violent storms of unrest that broke loose after the Prophet's death. He did not want this to happen after his own death.

Omar's Nomination

Welfare of Muslims had always been the first care of Abu Bakr. He would allow nothing that made Islam weak. The thing he feared most was division among Muslims. He remembered what had happened after the death of the Holy Prophet. He wanted to make sure that no differences should divide Muslims after he was no more. Unity was the secret strength. Unity must be had at any price.
As his sickness grew, Abu Bakr gave more and more thought to the matter. Who should be the Caliph after him? Should he himself name the best man? Or should he leave the matter to the people? In the latter case, quarrels might arise. These would certainly shake the very foundations of Islam. IT was too great a risk. Abu Bakr was not willing to take that risk.
After careful thought, he chose to nominate Omar. He put his proposal before the leading Companions. Most of them liked the proposal. But someone said, "Omar is no doubt the best man, but he is rather too strict."
To this Abu Bakr replied, "As soon as the burden of Caliphate falls on his shoulders, he will become more mild."
When all Companions agreed, Abu Bakr called Othman. He dictated to him Omar's nomination. It was read out to the people. It said:
"This is the will of Abu Bakr, the Caliph of the Holy Prophet. He is making the will when he is about to leave for the next world. This is the time when even a non-believer begins to believe and even a sinner begins to trust in Allah. I appoint Omar bin Khattab as your ruler. In appointing him, I have kept your welfare fully in mind. I hope he will be truthful and just. But if he leaves his path and becomes unjust, I know nothing about the unseen, I have only the well-being of Muslims at heart. Everybody is responsible for what he does."
The will was read out to the people. After this Abu Bakr went to the top of his house, supported by two men. Addressing the people he said:
"My brethren in-faith, I have not appointed any of my own brothers and relatives as your Caliph. I have appointed a man who is the fittest person among you. Do you approve of him?"
"Of course we do," went up a shout from hundreds of men.
Next he called Omar to his bedside and spoke to him thus:
"Omar! I have nominated you my successor. My parting advice is that you fear Allah and work for the well-being of the Muslims. Remember, Omar, the duties you own to Allah are to be discharged at the proper time. Some of these are to be discharged at night and some during the day time. First things must come first. On the Day of Judgment only those will come out successful whose good deeds are weighty. Those whose evil deeds out-weigh the good deeds, will have a terrible time. For success and salvation, you have to make the Qur'an and the truth your guides. You know, Omar, that the verses of the Qur'an speak of good reward and punishment side by side. This is to put the fear of Allah in the believer's heart and to make him pray for forgiveness. Omar, when you read in the Qur'an about the inmate of fire, pray to Allah not to make you one of them. But when you read about the dwellers of Paradise, pray for being one of them Omar, if you follow the path I have chalked out fo you, you will find me by your side."
When OMar had left the dying Caliph raised his hands in prayer and said:
"Lord! I have taken this step in the best interest of the Muslims. I feared disunion among them, so I took this step, the consequences of which are best known to You. After careful thought I have appointed a man who is the sincerest and the most energetic worker for the well-being of the people. I am at death's door now, so help the Muslims, Lord after I am no more. They are Your servants. Their future is in Your hands. Lord, keep their rules on the right path. Make Omar one of the noblest Caliphs and help the Muslims help him."

Abu Bakr Passes Away

After an illness of two weeks, Abu Bakr passed away. He was sixty-three at the time. He was buried by the side of the Holy Prophet.
Before his death he said, "Do not use new cloth to cover my dead body. The sheet of cloth I have on will do for me. Wash it clean."
"But this is too old and worn, father," said his daughter Aisha.
"This old and worn sheet will do for me," he replied.
This parting wish was acted upon. The second wish of the dying Caliphs was, "Sell my land and pay back in the public treasury all the money I got as my salary." This was also done. Before he became the Caliph, Abu Bakr was a well-to-day merchant. The affairs of the Caliphate left him no time to look after his own business. The matter was put before the Companions. They allowed the Caliph a salary of six thousand dirhams a year. All this money was paid back to the Bait-ul-Mal (the Public Treasury) after the Caliph's death.
Thus Abu Bakr, the first Caliph, left behind a noble example of selfless service. He lived and worked for Islam to the last breath. And for his tireless labors, he sought no worldly reward.

Two Years of Abu Bakr's Calpihate

Abu Bakr was Caliph for only two years, three months and ten days. This was a relatively short period of time in the life of people. But during this short period, Abu Bakr was able to do great things for Islam. These achievements have made his name immortal. They have placed him among the greatest men of all time.
When Abu Bakr too over, Islam was confined to Arabia alone. And here, too its hold was rather shaky. In many parts of the country, Islam was but a name. It was not a way of life with most people. Scores of tribes had thought of the Holy Prophet has a mere king. They tried to throw off his yoke as soon as he was no more. Abu Bakr taught these people a lasting lesson. He taught them that Islam was a way of life.
Abu Bakr was able to do this because of his unshakable faith. No difficulties could take him off the path of the Prophet. Usama might be youthful and inexperienced, but Abu Bakr would not hear a word against him. He was appointed by the Prophet. There might be rising in the country, but Abu Bakr would not put off the expedition to Tabuk. The Prophet had ordered it. Abu Bakr stood unequalled in his love for Allah and His Apostle. This was the secret of his unbending strength. It was this inner strength that carried him through the darkest hours of his Caliphate.
Abu Bakr was as sincere as he was firm in faith. He lived up to every word of what he said at the beginning of his Caliphate. He was never anything but the faithful agent of Allah and His Apostle, and the humblest servant of his people. It was this fact which won him the deepest love and respect for all classes of his people. The result was that Islam took an unshakable hold on the country of its birth. Soon it gathered enough strength to overlap its boundaries. It struck at the two most feared powers of the time. And lo! it was successful. Abu Bakr had put Islam on the road to worldwide expansion.
Islam means total submission to the will of Allah. It means that utter absence of all selfishness. The Holy Prophet showed by his example hwo that goal could be reached. He showed how the power of the State should not be used for private ends but for the public good. Abu Bakr was the first among his followers to live up to the Prophet's example. He got no personal gain out of the Caliphate. He spent every minute of the last two years of life in the service of his people, but got not a penny as wages.
Abu Bakr had several sons and many near relatives. For public offices, he did not choose anyone of them. He rather chose other people who were more fit for public service. He had to nominate his own successor to prevent quarrels. But his choice fell on none of his own relatives. His choice was rather the man whom he honestly believed to be the best among the Companions. All the same, he did not force his choice on people. He put his proposal before the Companions. When they had agreed to it, he put it before the people.
In short, Abu Bakr showed the world what government of the people, for the people, and by the people really meant. Neither the East nor the West had ever known such a form of government before. The mighty empires of Iran and Byzantium were based upon naked force.
In short Abu Bakr kept going the great work of the Prophet. For that he had to fight hard. He fought with a will and with a faith that amazed everyone. Islam is for ever grateful to him for the great services he rendered to it.



Wassalaam O Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu


Zainulabedeen Syed



Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 05:59:51 -0800
Subject: Re: Khulafa E - Salasa's Flight of Shame from Battle of Ohud rendering them Kaffir in Qora'an

Dear Iftikhar Barrie,

Salam and Dua,

I have not denied anything in any of the messages I have posted. Neither have I called anyone a Kafir, either a present personality or anyone in the past.

So, stop repeating that untruth.

OK let me come back to your statement:
<<<There are many books on the seerah based on the earliest historians including the ones you have listed. None have included the information from Mr. Khan. >>>

Zaheer Hussain Khan has given a reference after each report he has quoted. Did you go and check his references?

No, you id not. That is your problem.

Let me give you just one quote from Jalal-ud-Deen Suyooti, one of the books I mentioned in my previous message:

The original Arabic:
قال عمرٖ رضی اللہ۔ لمّا کان یوم احد ھزمنا ھم حتّی صعدت الجبل فلقد رائتنی انزو کاننی اروی
Translation: On the day of Uhud when we were defeated by them (the Kuffar), I ran up the mountain, indeed, had you seen me jumping (from hill top to hilltop), I would appear like a mountain goat.

This report is also found in so many words in the Tafseer of Ibn jareer Tabari.

The following report is from Al-Mustadrak of Hakim Nayshapuri:
The original Arabic
عن عائشہ قالت قال ابو بکر الصدیق لمّا جال الناس عن رسول اللہ صلعم یوم احد کنتُ اوّل من فاء ا لیہ فبصرت بہ عن بعد  فاذا انا برجل اعتنقنی من خلفی یرید رسول اللہ صلعم فاذا ھو ابو عبیدہ بن الجراح

Translation: narrated from Aisha - she said, Abu Bakr (rad) said that when people dispersed leaving teh Prophet, on the day of Uhud, I was the first among them to return to Rasool Allah. I looked at him from a distance, then someone pressed (my arm) from behind, who wanted to approach the Prophet, I turned aorund and saw that it was Abu Ubaida  bin al-Jarrah.

How much more evidence do you want?

OK, you mention Qur'an. Let us look at these verses from Sura Jum'a.

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا نُودِيَ لِلصَّلَاةِ مِنْ يَوْمِ الْجُمُعَةِ فَاسْعَوْا إِلَىٰ ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ وَذَرُوا الْبَيْعَ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ {9}
فَإِذَا قُضِيَتِ الصَّلَاةُ فَانْتَشِرُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَابْتَغُوا مِنْ فَضْلِ اللَّهِ وَاذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ {10}
وَإِذَا رَأَوْا تِجَارَةً أَوْ لَهْوًا انْفَضُّوا إِلَيْهَا وَتَرَكُوكَ قَائِمًا ۚ قُلْ مَا عِنْدَ اللَّهِ خَيْرٌ مِنَ اللَّهْوِ وَمِنَ التِّجَارَةِ ۚ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ {11}

The holy Qur'an is asking Muslims to come running to Friday prayers when the call is made. And then go to their business once the prayer is finished. But here, in verse no: 11, the same Qur'an is revealing that there were some who were in the middle of the Friday prayer, but as soon as they heard the sounds of a caravan with music and business goods, they left the Prophet standing in the prayer and ran out to see the caravan.

Now, who were those people? Muslims around the Prophet of Islam -- in other words Sahaaba, yes or no?
Are you going to deny the Qur'anic verses?

There was no battle raging -- no fear of life. Still Companions of the Prophet would run out of the mosque for music and business? Excuse me?

Now let me reflect on your complaint on the subject line.

When people ran away from the Prophet, he was very angry and frustrated. Perspiration was seen dripping from his forehead. He saw Imam Ali trying to fight off teh enemy from him. The Prophet looked to Ali and asked him a rhetorical question: Why didn't you too ran away with your friends. Imam Ali replied: Should I go back to Kufr having had Islam?

What was Imam Ali saying? He was elaborating on the Qur'anic verses:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا لَقِيتُمُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا زَحْفًا فَلَا تُوَلُّوهُمُ الْأَدْبَارَ {15}
[Pickthal 8:15] O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them.

وَمَنْ يُوَلِّهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ دُبُرَهُ إِلَّا مُتَحَرِّفًا لِقِتَالٍ أَوْ مُتَحَيِّزًا إِلَىٰ فِئَةٍ فَقَدْ بَاءَ بِغَضَبٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَمَأْوَاهُ جَهَنَّمُ ۖ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ {16}

[Pickthal 8:16] Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless manoeuvring for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end.

So, Imam Ali only repeated what Qur'an had said. Anyone who runs away from an active battlefield, his place is in hell fire.

It was Allah's Mercy and the Prophet's extreme compassion that these people were forgiven. But, unfortunately, tehy repeated teh same cowardice and lack of resolve again and again - at Kahyber in the 7th year of Hijra and at Hunayn in the 9th year of Hijra.

This is what is being alluded to in the subject line

Is this the kind of people you want to have as your heroes?

Please reflect.

Thank you.


Syed-Mohsin Naquvi

From: Iftikhar Barrie <>
To: syed-mohsin naquvi <>
Cc: Zain Syed <>; s shuja syed <>; Jeelani bhai <>; Mohammad Anwar <>; Jamie Asif <>; Majeed Osman <>; Affan Mohammad <>; yakub patel <>; Maheed Ali <>; "" <>; Zehera Kassam <>; "" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 11:54 PM
Subject: Re: Khulafa E - Salasa's Flight of Shame from Battle of Ohud rendering them Kaffir in Qora'an

Walaikum Salaam
When one reads the subject line that says the first two rightly guided Caliphs have been labelled as unbelievers by the Shia, it warrants a reply.

There are many books on the seerah based on the earliest historians including the ones you have listed. None have included the information from Mr. Khan.

The fact that the Prophet (S) is buried in between two of the rightly guided Khalifas is very significant. It is a fact that no one can deny as it is right in front of our eyes.

I think you and several other people  are denying all the information in front of you as well as dismissing the above fact as if it were of no importance. It is of no importance to the Shia because it cannot be explained by any of the Shia how Allah SWT will allow His final Messenger (S) to be buried in between these two men who, according to the Shia, are kafir. Like I said, the allegations of kufr only poses a problem for the Shia, nobody else.

Our religion is perfect from the Quran, Sunnah, seerah and even what we see with our own eyes.

I really don't fall into traps where one goes to the level of name calling or attacking a person's character.

Salaam Alaikum

Iftikhar Barrie

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On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 11:15 PM, syed-mohsin naquvi <> wrote:
Dear Iftikhar Barrie,
Salam and Dua,

I thought we were done with this discussion. But I saw these new messages and realized that you are still writing about it.

Actually, I do not blame you for the disbelief you are showing in these reports. Once you have been raised believing something, you will find it hard at a grown up age to accept something that goes against those beliefs.
What Zaheer Husain Khan has written is from authentic Sunni books. I am surprised that a person like you who has such interest in early Islamic history, has no knowledge about such significant events in that period as the Battle of Uhud.

That means you have not done any substantial study of history. My advice to you is that you should go search authentic books written in the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth centuries of Islam. Then reflect on what you find in those books. Obviously, you are not going to believe anything written by Shi'a writers. So, you should do your own study.

Here are some books, as a suggestion:
(1)Sirat Rasool Allah by Ibn-e-Is-haaq (found in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and English)
(2) History of Tabari (30 volumes, found in Arabic, Farsi, English and Urdu)
(3) Tareekh Kamil by Ibn-e-Atheer Jazari
(4)Tareekh Abul Fida
(5)Tareekh Ibnul Wardi
(6)Tafseer Durr-e-Manthoor by Jalal-ud-Deen Suyooti
(7)Saheeh of Bukhari
(8)Saheeh of Muslim

And many more.

You have referred to Martin Lings and his writings. Martin Lings is a writer of the 20th century. He died in 2005 aged 96 years. He had to get material from original writers of the early centuries. He has taken selective material from those writers. He was a new convert to Islam and he was an Englishman. He was afraid that if he wrote disparaging things about senior Companions in his book in English, even though it was all true, the great majority of Sunnis will reject his book, very much like you are rejecting all the information that has been presented to you in this forum and you have been denying everything without confirming anything with the sources.

Your reasoning about Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar being buried in the nearness of the burial place of the Prophet has no merit and no rational argument.

Please stay on topic.

Once again, I ask you to go read your own books. When a reference is presented to you, your first duty is to go find that book and confirm or deny the facts before you start an argument on it.

Here we are, you are being confronted with one argument after another, and you go on denying everything. By doing that you are proving your own intellectual bankruptcy and intransigence.

Yes, there will be a time when everyone will leave you alone – but that will not be the loss of those people, it will be your loss. You will remain in abject ignorance.
I think you are more intelligent than that.
I wish you all the best.
Thank you.
Syed-Mohsin Naquvi

From: Iftikhar Barrie <>
To: zaheerhusain khan <>
Cc: Zain Syed <>; syed-mohsin naquvi <>; shuja syed <>; Jeelani bhai <>; Mohammad Anwar <>; Jamie Asif <>; Majeed Osman <>; Affan Mohammad <>; yakub patel <>; Maheed Ali <>; "" <>; Zehera Kassam <>; "" <>;
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: Khulafa E - Salasa's Flight of Shame from Battle of Ohud rendering them Kaffir in Qora'an

The battle of Uhad took place in 3 AH
The Prophet (S) passed away in 11 AH

The allegation is that Abu Bakr (R) and Umar (R) ran away from the battlefield of Uhad leaving the Prophet (S)..

So for 8 years the Prophet (S) tolerated the close company of Abu Bakr (R) and Umar (R), as well as being married to both their daughters; to top it all off, the Prophet (S) is buried in the house of Aisha (R) surrounded by Abu Bakr (R) and Umar (R); all this while being protected and guided by Allah SWT. Was he not the Prophet of Allah SWT???

The allegations brought forward by the Shia brings more problems to their ownselves as it questions their own faith in Allah SWT and His Messenger (S).

Honestly we need to have some common sense here.

Iftikhar Barrie

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On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 12:01 PM, zaheerhusain khan <> wrote:
The Battle of 'Uhud; 11 Shawwal A.H. 3 (A.C. 625).
Margoliouth writes: "It appears, too, that at the start events were proceeding as the Prophet had imagined. The champions of Badr, 'Ali and Harnza, dealt out death as unsparingly as before; the heroism of Quraish compelled them to meet these companions in a series of single combats, in which their own champions were killed, and their overthrow spread discomfiture and panic" 1) Margolioulth : "Life of Muhammad", p' 296.When the battle began, Imam 'Ali, Hamza and Abu Dujana went" straight towards the enemy, engaged the armies and fought at the risk of their lives. Imam 'Ali killed all the standard-bearers of Quraish, and panic took hold of the armies, who fled leaving behind their goods. The detachment of archers, whom the Prophet (P) had ordered to guard the pass in the mountains and remain there in all events, left their post and engaged themselves in looting the enemy's goods. Khalid ibn AI-Walid of Quraish, finding himself presented with the opportunity, descended upon the Muslims, and their victory was turned into defeat. Now the Muslims began fleeing in all directions, leaving the Prophet (P), who had been wounded, alone. I cannot do better than to quote a passage (in translation) from "Madarij-an-Nabuwwa" by Shaikh 'Abd Al Haq, a great Sunni divine and historian:During the battle of 'Uhud, the enemy fought so desperately that the Muslims took to flight, leaving the Prophet (P) alone. He got so angry that the sweat 'dripped from his forehead. In that condition, he looked round and saw Imam 'Ali standing by his side, The Prophet (P) looked at him and asked why he did not take to flight and join his comrades. Imam 'Ali replied, "Should I tum Kafir after having once accepted [man (faith in God)? I will follow you everywhere."Now a party. of the enemy advanced towards the Prophet (P), who said to Imam 'Ali, "0 'Ali, protect me from this party; do this service to me, as this is the time for help". 'Ali therefore turned to that party and killed so many of them that the rest ran away. It is said that on that day 'Ali received eighteen wounds, four of them being so serious that on receiving each wound, he fell down from his horse .... The famous phrase "There is no courageous man like 'Ali, and no sword like his Dhu Al-Fiqar was uttered on that day. (2) Madarij-an-Nubuwwa, Nawalkishore, Vol. 2, p. 167. See also Shah Wali Allah: "Izalat-al-Khafa'" (Urdu translation), part 3, p.285.Rawdat-as-Safa', Vol. 2, p. 333.
Now let us turn to the others. 'Umar said that on the day of 'Uhud, the Muslims fled for their lives from the field of battle, and that he himself fled and climbed a hill, jumping from place to place like a mountain goat (3) As-Sayyuti: "Ad-Dur Al-Manthur". Vol. 2, p. 88 (4) At-Tabarl: Vol. 3, p. 20; p. 19.
It appears that after some time, he and his companions sat down to take rest. From At-Tabari we learn that 'Umar and Talha together ,with some of the Muhiijirin and Ansar, ran away from the field and were sitting on a rock, when someone called out that Muhammad had been killed. Anas ibn Al-Nadr went up to these persons and asked them why they were sitting there. The men on the rock replied that Muhammad (P) had been killed, and expressed their wish that there had been somone who would go to 'Abdallah ibn 'Ubbai, a Munafiq at Medina, and request him to intercede with Abu Sufyan and get an amnesty for them (4)
Seeing Imam Ali and the Prophet (P) standing firm on the field of battle, Muslims began to rally round the Prophet (P). Abu Bakr says that the people began to return to the Prophet (P), that he was the first to come back to him, and that after him came Abu 'Ubaida ibn AI.Jarra (5 Al-Hakim: "AI-Mustadrak", Vol. 3, pp. 26, 27.,, Vol. I, p. 485."Uthman ibn Affan had fled with two others to a great distance, and returned on the third day. The Prophet (P) remarked to 'Uthman that the distance he had fled was great'?(6) At-Tabarl: Vol. 3, p. 21,Tarikh Al-Kamil, Vol. 3, p. 60.
We learn the following from "Habib-as-Sayyar":
One day, Zaid ibn Wahab said to Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, "I have heard that on the day of 'Uhud, no-one except Ali, Abu Dujana and Suhail ibn Hanif remained in the field with the Prophet. Is this information correct?" Abdullah ibn Mas'ud replied that in the first instance when the Muslims took flight, no-one but Ali had remained with the Prophet. Again Zaid asked, "Abu Bakr and 'Umar, where were they?" Abdullah ibn Mas'ud replied that they also had run away. When Zaid asked about 'Uthman, he replied that "Uthman had fled to a great distance, and returned on the third day, whereupon the Prophet remarked to him that he had run to a great distance.(7) Habib-as-Sayyar, Vol. I, Part 3. p. 37.We do not hear of Abu Bakr, 'Umar or 'Uthman taking part in the battle; we hear only of them taking part in the flight.--- On Wed, 19/12/12, Zain Syed <> wrote:

You are right Br.Barrie, but the issue is who is going to convince these deviated shias & rafideez except for Allah Taala.  We can only give a good sermon based on facts from the Quran and earliest sources thru two or three centuries after the Prophet's passing away, but if one is bent on jealousy and hatred towards somebody like iblees did towards Aadam and His progeny, then it is their own choice to choose their destiny based on concocted traditions and stories.  

To make it worse, I wonder from which teachings of the Prophet or Sayyidna Ali did this sending of la'an on the closest and most confidant Sahabas come from? when Sayyidna Ali himself alongwith his sons and grandsons payed immense respect and worked hard under the leadership of Sheikhain Abu Bakr and Omar R.A. to establish and strengthen the true concept of Islam.  

Worst situation for themselves is with their behaviour and insults towards these sahaba they are not only digging deeper hole for themselves, they are trying to shake and weaken the institute of Prophecy and Risaalat by attacking the most confidant and trustworthy people around Him(remember the incident when Abu Bakr R.A. brought everything from his house leaving Allah and His Messenger for the family) from the beginning of His mission, but Allah Taala has taken upon himself to protect the message brought by Mohammad Ibn Abdullah S.A. Insha Allah.  These people can only blow some hot air from their mouths to derail the progress the light and the Noor  of Islam like Kuffar does, but it will be of no avail, as had been none for the last fourteen hundred plus years.

I request you Mr.Naquwi and others to please listen to this small clips and ponder over your behaviour again.  




Zainulabedeen Syed

Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 22:46:15 -0500

I was looking up several history books on the Seerah of the Prophet (S), which included the famous work by Martin Lings, "Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources"

• Includes important additions about the prophet's spread of Islam into Syria and its neighboring states 

• Contains original English translations from 8th and 9th century biographies, presented in authoritative language 

There is no record of Abu Bakr (R) or Umar (R) fleeing the battle of Uhad. It was several Muslims at the rear of the army who had fled when Khalid (R) attacked from the rear. The vast majority of the Muslims continued to fight. In fact during this time the Prophet (S) had to withhold Abu Bakr (R) from attacking his own son (Abdul Ka'ba, the only full brother of Aisha (R) ) who had not become Muslim.

As expected the usual suspects are lying through their teeth.

Iftikhar Barrie

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On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Zain Syed <> wrote:
Any Dick and Harry might or might not agree but the training of the likes of Abu Bakr Omar and Othman etc R A at the hands of the Prophet was enough for them to follow His orders if it was so important.  Unfortunately you Shias are the victims of the later days conspiracy of Ibn Sabaa like the Christians of Paul's conspiracy resulting in all forms of deviations 

Zainulabedeen Syed

Sent from my iPhone

On 18-Dec-2012, at 7:00 PM, "Zehera Kassam" <> wrote:



On 18 December 2012 23:52, Bani Hashim <> wrote:
Neither Ali rd nor Fatima nor her two Sons Hassan and Hussein ever claimed in their entire life regarding the appointment of Ali as the first Caliph by the Prophet saw.  Never.
Listen to the above

From: Zain Syed <>
To: zaheerhusain khan <>
Cc: "" <>; shuja syed <>; Iftikhar Barrie <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; yakub patel <>; Maheed Ali <>; Zaheer Husain Khan <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 18 December 2012 2:41 PM
The tone of blindness,ignorance,  jealousy and hatred is very apparent from your writing as is the case with most of the deviant and blind Shias   It is very apparent how successful the historical figure of  Ibn Sabaa was in his conspiracy to create doubts in future generations and to bring about a whole new deviated dogma of shiasm like that of Christianity in Islam as well. I can clearly see why Sayyidna Ali burned those people alive in his life time.   You are misquoting Maulana Ishaaq as Is the practice of Shias, he rather said someone entered these wrong stories in the books that is why we need to sympathise and try to  educate these Shias of the true historical facts to save them from hell

Zainulabedeen Syed

Sent from my iPhone
On 18-Dec-2012, at 5:10 PM, "zaheerhusain khan" <> wrote:
Firoun, Naddad, Shaddad, Hamaan, Saamaan ,Samri all have been great historical persolnalities.
In Hindu mythology Lord Ram is well known , Ravan , the evil personified  is also one of the great historical personilities ,In Islam what matters is what was the character of an individual not the self acquired names .
The best way to judge the character of a person is to see what one did and as per the holy 
book of Islam how such actions are described in Qora'an.
Qora'an in very clear terms define terrorism . (Translation) Any such person who lifts arms
 and ammunition to scare ( kill , burn & loot ) the awamunnas (public) is a moharib arabic for (Terrorist) .And then the holy book prescribe the appropriate punishments .
 Now one should see ones own books, who is with his six thugs and with burning torches is
 standing on the door of the daughter of the Prophet of Islam (s)  They say these are zaeef 
rawayets , Maulana Ishaq the eminent Sunni Aalim says '' they believe it is true otherwise why lady Ayesha reports that Janab e Sayyedah (s) was very angry with them and never talked to them till she lived . Why she was so angry and why when they realised that she was angry,because they remembered what the Prophet of Islam has said about the person who angered 'His flesh and blood '' angered Allah and one who angers Allah , his destination?
Secondly the holy Qora'an says.:
يَاأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا لَقِيتُمْ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا زَحْفًا فَلَا تُوَلُّوهُمْ
الْأَدْبَارَ وَمَنْ يُوَلِّهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ دُبُرَهُ إِلَّا مُتَحَرِّفًا لِقِتَالٍ أَوْ مُتَحَيِّزًا إِلَى فِئَةٍ فَقَدْ بَاءَ بِغَضَبٍ مِنْ اللَّهِ وَمَأْوَاهُ جَهَنَّمُ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ  (8·15-16)
O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve in a battlefield, never turn your backs to them. And [you should know that] whoever turns his back to them on such a day – unless it be a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a part of his army, – he indeed has drawn up
on himself wrath from Allah. And his abode is Hell, and worst indeed is that destination!  (8·15-16)
And the most reliable Saheeh says '' he confessed that he was so afraid and scared that he
ran miles , was trying to hide and hopping from one hill to other like wild goats.The youngest one flee so far (being  young more energetic) that he came back after 3 days after realising that the army of unbelievers Qoraish have gone back and Rasool e Kareem was well  alive and safe . The quickest return was from one who was old enough not been able to run far, so he returned after a few hour when the welfare was known and when the daughter of the Prophet  has already arrived , washed her fathers wounds, dressed , while her husband has already brought him to a safe place , still fighting the enemy and chasing them away, brought him to safety The story of the father in laws is such pathetic that the son in law is seriously injured,calling the fleeing  Son in Laws for help  and the rumor of death has scared them so much that they chose to save their own life and flee from the battles . What happend in Khyber is also well known and the record in all other battles was no better .This is the History of the great personalities and the entire Ummah has to adore
them , respect them and put them at the highest padestel .. 
Zaheer Husain Khan

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