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Sunday, 27 January 2013

[Yaadein_Meri] Fw: Why Imam Bukhari is on the Top of the list of Muhadditheen ?


Wa alayqum assalaam,

Then why many people not acting on bukhari?

1.There is no salah after fajar till sunrise (vol1-pg82) but still some people pray sunnat if missed after fard before sunrise?

2.Imam bukhari says performing umrah frequently is mustahab (1-238) but some people say it is biddat.

3.Imam bukhari dedicated a chapter "giving 3 talaq" and brought hadith proving 3 talaq given in 1 sitting is 3 (1-791) but still few acting opposite why?

4.Ammi ayesha (razi) says if prophet (swallalaahi wa alayhi wassallam) had seen your act today he would definitely had prevented women from visiting masjid like the women of bani isariel had been prevented (bukhari 1- 120,muslim 1-182,abu dawood 1-100) but still acting opposite why? If they say it is not prevented by prophet (swallalaahi wa alayhi wassallam) then did imaam bukhari don't know this?

5.Imam bukhari (rah) narrated "saib bin yazid (rah) narrates,From the reign of hazrat usman (razi) he (usman razi) ordered to call 1 more azaan before juma khutba and till then this became practice in reign of Ali (razi) and so on forever (1-207) but few act opposite to bukhari why? Are they more follower of sunnah than bukhari and majority of sahaba (razi)?

6.If Eid appears on juma then juma is also obligatory like ever it is (2-835) but few says then juma is abrogated?

7. Imam bukhari (rah) dedicated chapter "tying both hands for musafa" and brought hadith on it (2-126) but still few says sunnah is to use only 1 hand why?

(Ccd friend are requested to forward further).

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From: Abu Haneefah Omair <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 20:02:59 +0300
Subject: Why Imam Bukhari is on the Top of the list of Muhadditheen ?

Assalaam-Alaikum, Dear Muslims,

Please read the following documentation, Jazakallahu Khairan!

Why Imam Bukhari is on the Top of the list of Muhaddith ?
by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala (IRF Team, Mumbai)

    For those who are new to the studies of hadith: The Hadith is a collection of the commands, saying, actions and approval of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Compile them together and you have a biography of the Prophet. No man in the history of mankind enjoys this privilege of being preserved in the books  as truthfully as  Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him. In the history of mankind he is the only person who truthfulness is preserved by a process of examining the truthfulness of the narrators. No Bible tells you how Jesus or Moses looked like! But The Book of hadith even informs the number of grey hair that the Prophet had in his beard. The companions observed him so minutely. This is because his life itself is an explaination of shariah, a commentary of Qur'an.
 Secondly : Who is a Muhaddith? Many people understand that Muhaddith is just a scholar of Hadith. But little do they try to examine who type of scholarship it is. A Muhaddith is a person who is not only specialist in the text of hadith but also in the chain of narration. He has an indepth study of both the fields so he is in a position of putting a hukm on the hadith whether it is authentic or not and also verifies as well as justifies it.
Abdullah ibn Muneer was one of the teachers of Imam Bukhari. Imam Bukhari had learn a lot from him. Once Ibn Muneer sat in the lecture of Imam Bukhari taking notes. Some asked him the reason. He replied: I am proud to be the student of my own student Mohammed Ismail ( Bukhari).
   I was browsing the site of a famous Pakistani scholar who is famous for rejecting large number of Hadith from Bukhari. It was a shock for me to discover that this man has a large number of followers in his region. In other words he is driving away a lot of young educated Muslims from the  established sunnah.
   How many of you know that Sahih Bukhari happens to the only book of Hadith which has the largest number of commentaries written on it? Guess! around 250 including short and detailed. Fat'hul Bari by Hafiz ibn Hajr Asqalani stands first in the commentary . Let me tell you why. Ibn Hajr has proved all the Hadith of Sahih Bukhari  truthful,  and defended every Hadith of Bukhari through presenting its authenticity from a different chain of narration other than mentioned in the Bukhari.
Before Imam Bukhari wrote his Jame al Sahih ( The collection of authentic ) he wrote a book Tareekhul Kabeer. The history of the great ( Narrators). Before compiling  hadith and selecting them for his Sahih , Imam Bukhari had gained an expertise on the chain of narrators. He could sort out a hadith based on its chain of narration. He could spot a narrator in the chain of hadith who had been doubted as weak due to either a weak memory of other justified reasons. Bukhari has imposed conditions which all narrators and testifiers must meet before the hadith can be selected. One condition requires that all testifiers must have a strong memory.
 The number of ahaadeeth in Saheeh al-Bukhaari, including repetitions – according to the numbering of Muhammad Fu'aad 'Abd al-Baaqi (may Allaah have mercy on him) – is 7563. When we realize that the number of criticisms is less than twenty, and that most of these criticisms have to do with matters concerning the isnaads, or whether the hadeeth reaches the highest level of saheeh, or they have to do with one or two words in a hadeeth, and that the criticisms which have to do with matters affecting the soundness of the matn (text) are rare and affect no more than one or two or three ahaadeeth – when we know all that, we realize that applying the label of saheeh to everything that is in al-Bukhaari, texts and isnaads, is correct and cannot be denied.
Imam Nawawi who wrote Riyadus Saliheen as well as the commentary of Sahih Muslim says:
The ummah is unanimously agreed that these two books are saheeh and it is obligatory to follow their ahaadeeth. (Tahdheeb al-Asma' wa'l-Lughaat (1/73).  ( To be continued...)

Author: Nisaar Yusuf (IRF Team, Mumbai)

Wa Maa Alainaa Illal Balaagh,
Defender of Sunnah,
Abu Haneefah Omair.. 

Quran, Sunnah and Understanding of Sahaabah.. Good
Desires, Innovations and Blind-Following of madhabs (Taqleed).. Baad

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