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[Yaadein_Meri] FW: Bismillah [MuslimCity] How far is World War III? by Mukahid Kamran Courtesy: The Nation Pakistan


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Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 02:51:00 +0000
Subject: Bismillah [MuslimCity] How far is World War III? by Mukahid Kamran Courtesy: The Nation Pakistan


Secret societies like Freemasons, Skull and Bones cult are also active and appear to be standing behind and lending their support individuals like Bush and Obama,etc -Belal

How far is World War III?
Published: December 21, 2011 The Nation Pakistan
Mujahid Kamran

Unknown to the world, the clouds of World War III, are gathering over the horizon. The world is unaware of the gathering storm because the "Western media", the property and tool of the real masters of the West, the "international bankers", has completely blacked out all news about the manipulated descent towards the abyss of global war, just as it has blacked out the three-month long unrest among the people of USA. One writer, recently, wrote an article with an apt, but disturbing title A Third World War Won't Stop the American Revolution. No wonder, Robert Fisk wrote on December 10, 2011: "Bankers are the dictators of the West." While the recent so-called "revolutions" in the Islamic countries have been given great projection in the "Western" media, the movements in USA and Europe are hardly mentioned, as part of a strategy and design to kill these movements.
For over two centuries, a hidden elite led by a set of banking families - the so-called "international bankers" - supported by a vast subterranean network of secret societies, has instigated and manipulated wars and "revolutions". The Western armies, agencies, parliaments and governments work for them and not the people, as we are erroneously taught and systematically brainwashed in textbooks. By fostering conflict and funding both sides of the warring countries, they bring nations into the bondage of debt. The global GDP is around $70 trillion, but the world "owes" these families $100 trillion! Christians and Muslims are paying the price for practicing one of the most forbidden things in both great religions - usury.
Recently, the Russian Ministry of Defence has written to Mr Putin, as well as to President Medvedev, that President Hu of China has now agreed "in principle" that the only way to counter America's military eruption and aggression is through "direct and immediate military action." This explosive news has not appeared on the "Western" media! Earlier, Major General Zhao Zhangzhong of the Chinese National Defence University was quoted by a Chinese channel, NDTV, as having said that if Iran was attacked "China would not hesitate to protect Iran, even with a Third World War." On December 18, 2011, Vladimir Yevseyev, Director Russian Centre for Socio-Political Studies, stated: "Russia will stop any military attack against Iran." These statements were made while three more US warships were dispatched to the Middle East. Moscow has also sent three naval ships, including battleship Admiral Kuznetsov that is a "heavy aircraft-carrying missile cruiser", to Syria.
There are reports that the US-Nato troops, in hundreds, have been seen taking up positions near the Syrian-Jordanian border. Referring to this buildup of the US-Nato forces, a writer on one blog states: "Journalists with a major mainstream publication were told by their editors that there would be no coverage or follow up on these 'developments'." In addition, it has been reported that a joint US-Nato training camp aimed at destabilising Syria has been in operation in southern Turkey, since May 2011. The story was sent to the major US media, but was not reported owing to "government pressure".
On Friday, December 16, 2011, Lieutenant General Sergey Karakev, commander of Russian missile troops, has stated that the Russian nuclear missiles can be reprogrammed and promptly targeted at any destination. This includes the missile sites set up in Europe by the Americans. On the other hand, Professor Chossudovsky wrote on December 4, 2011: "The launching of an outright war using nuclear warheads against Iran has been on the active drawing board of the Pentagon since 2005. If such a war were to be launched, the entire Middle East and Central Asian region would flare up. Humanity would be precipitated in World War III scenario."
It may be recalled that it was in May 2011, that the Chinese authorities had stated that an attack on Pakistan will be construed as an attack on China. An unprovoked and deliberate attack killing 24 Pakistani soldiers by US-Nato forces has led to unprecedented public protest resulting in a suspension of all military and other supplies to their troops in Afghanistan. It was reported on December 17 on a website that the US soldiers in Afghanistan are no longer getting fried chicken owing to this suspension! As time passes, the effects of the suspension of supplies will become more significant. A number of oil tankers carrying oil to troops in Afghanistan have been attacked and burnt in Pakistan and the public wants all American saboteurs, i.e. CIA agents and Blackwater mercenaries, out of this country. It also wants an end to all US bases on Pakistani soil.
The elite is intent on setting up a 'one world government' under its control through a world war. The 'one world government' will be a tyranny of a kind never seen before in the world. Everybody will be under surveillance all the time and there will be no room for dissent of any kind. There will be absolute "thought control" - even your dreams are likely to be monitored thanks to advances in science and technology. The passage of the so-called National Defence Authorisation Act by the US Senate with a 93 to 7 vote on December 8, 2011, will instantly formalise the 'Police State' conditions of USA and intensify them as soon as Mr Obama signs the document. The Act authorises the US forces to declare anyone a "terrorist" and imprison him or her indefinitely without trial. Such actions cannot be challenged in a court of law. Even though the US superior courts are deeply compromised, the elite is taking no chances - every step towards total tyranny is "legal" - the US Constitution can now go into the dustbin.
The prescient Eustace Mullins warned the wonderful and innocent people of America in 1970s through an essay, titled There is a Gulag in Your Future. The Federal Emergency Management Authority, or FEMA, has already constructed vast structures on US soil, and probably elsewhere, where dissenters will be confined. FEMA has been conducting "exercises", where up to 400,000 people can be put into these places in one day! The gulags have been built and are about to be filled. World War III and is an integral part of the elite strategy.
The writer is the vice chancellor of the University of the Punjab. Email:


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