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Thursday 16 May 2013

~:C.C.4.U:~ Morning Coffee

"To choose or not to choose…"
The older we get, the more we realize that the choice to be happy or unhappy is our own. Sure, there will be times where things don't go our way. We'll feel unhappiness, sorrow, even depression. But, our agency determines how we cope with these challenges.
This doesn't mean that we should feel guilty about being sad or depressed. Everyone experiences "down" days. Melancholy moments can bring great wisdom if we think them through.
But, the truth is that you always have a choice. You can choose to stay stuck in unhappiness and resentment, or, choose to let go and feel fulfillment lighten your load.
If you're unhappy, unsatisfied or merely ambiguous, make today the day you put it all behind you. Choose to feel the joy in your life again.
You always have a choice. Why not make it great?
©Jane Powell
�If you have dreams, then you have a purpose At any time, you can decide to change the road you're on in life, take a new direction, follow a new trail. You are the only one who really knows what you want from life and if you're on the right road for you. You are the only one who can fulfill your dreams and receive the joys and happiness that come from reaching those aspirations and goals. Don't expect others to be responsible for your happiness and your success. You must take control and be in charge of your destiny and day-to-day situations. Take advice (most of the time it's free) and listen to what others have to say and what concerns they have; it's important to have different points of view. But always validate those words of wisdom with your own set of standards and make sure that the advice has meaning to your sense of reality. You must understand yourself enough to know what you want in life and what desires you believe are worthwhile for your future. You need to depend upon yourself and your talents. Appreciate others for their personal skills and abilities, but always continue to focus on your own strengths and energies. Life is much too short to spend it worrying about someone else's accomplishments or expecting someone else to be responsible for making your life better. If you have dreams, then you have a purpose. You have something to believe in and work towards obtaining. Dedicate yourself to yourself. Promise yourself a life filled with love, and then whatever roads you travel will be the roads you want them to be.

Make reality your friend

Though limiting factors can be a burden, they can also give you a solid, predictable framework in which to operate. What might at first seem to be an obstacle could end up providing valuable support.
For example, the force of gravity makes it difficult to move a large, massive rock. Yet that same force will also ensure that the rock stays in place once you get it where you want it.
Playing by the rules and adhering to a strictly defined discipline makes achievement more difficult. Yet it also plays an essential role in making achievement possible.
No situation is inherently limiting. Because you have the ability to adjust and adapt and make positive use of whatever factors may be present.
A massive brick wall can stop you cold, or it can provide you with a solid foundation upon which to build. It all depends on what you choose to do with what you encounter.
Rather than judging something to be a limiting factor, do the work to make it an enabling factor. Make reality your friend by making positive use of it.�
�Ralph Marston

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