..:: Gems of Wisdom ::..
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Ameer al-Mo'mineen Sayyiduna
Uthman al-Ghani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho

— by —
Ameer al-Mo'mineen Sayyiduna
Uthman al-Ghani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho

- Astonishing is he who finds death a reality, yet continues to laugh.
- Astonishing is he who knows this World will soon perish yet keeps close association with it.
- Astonishing is he who knows about fate yet mourns the loss of a thing.
- The slip of the tongue is more dangerous than the slip of the feet.
- If the eyes are bright and shining daily then it is a Day of Resurrection.
- To stop sinning is easier than to seek forgiveness.
- Make a purpose for life, then utilize all your strength to achieve it, you would definitely be successful.
- I am astonished with that person who recognizes this World as perishable and understands all about fate yet mourns the loss of things. I am astonished with that person who believes in Rewards, Punishment of Hell and Paradise, yet he still commits sins. I am astonished at that person who knows that Allah exists yet remembers others and seeks there assistance.
- A family man's actions are presented together with that of a Mujahid (Muslim soldier) in the court of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
- I am astonished with him who regards the reality of the existence of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala yet remembers others and asks for there assistance.
- I am astonished by that person who believes in Hell yet continues to sin.
- I am astonished at that person who brings Faith in Paradise yet associates himself to the pleasures of this World.
- I am astonished at that person who regards Iblees (Satan) as his enemy yet continues to follow him.
- Squandered is that 'Aalim (Learned man) to whom a person cannot ask a question. He is likened to that weapon which is not put to use - that wealth which is not utilized in good work - that knowledge without application - that Mosque which Salaah is not read - that Salaah that is not performed in a Mosque - that good advise which is not accepted - that book which is not read - that worshiper who keeps in his heart the pleasures of the World and that long life which had not stocked on provisions for the Hereafter.
- At times, to forgive or pardon a criminal makes the criminal more dangerous.
- O Mankind! Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala has created you so that you may please him, yet you choose to please others.
- 9/10 of the shares belonging to Peace and Safety are in isolating oneself from the people and the remaining one share lies in meeting with the people.
- A person in times of difficulty acts upon his own devices thus depriving himself of the help of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. He turns himself away from Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, therefore Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala turns His Attention of Divine Grace from him too.
- Isolation is most beloved to the beloved of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
- Excessive politeness is a sign of Malice.
- Do not rely on anyone except Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and do not fear anything except your sins.
- In whichever manner a person recognizes the World, so too, did his inclination occur towards it.
- I have found the sweetness of worship in four things:
(1) Performing the obligatory acts of worship enjoined by Allah.
(2) Avoiding the things forbidden by Allah.
(3) Enjoining that which is good, seeking the reward of Allah.
(4) Forbidding that which is evil, fearing the wrath of Allah.

- To knowingly partake of the pleasure offered by this material World is to reduce the remaining rewards and good deeds.
- Test the worldly people in any matter you wish to and you would find them to be no less than snakes and scorpions.
- The existence of good things and wealth in abundance is also a medical complaint. (meaning unhealthy)
- Knowledge combined with action is profitable and action without knowledge does not benefit anything.
- Do not place your burdens on anyone, although it is few or many.
- A pious and practicing Muslim Jurist (Faqeeh) is Superior than thousand worshipers.
- "World" is that work which does not serve the purpose of acquiring the Hereafter.
- Silence is the best treatment for anger.
- To carry the burden of others concludes the respect of a worshiper.
- This World has been created a temporary abode by the Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, and placed in trust to the travellers of the Hereafter. Take only those provisions which are beneficial and do not lust after that which you are going to leave behind.
- The slippery tongue is much more dangerous than the slippery feet.
- The one dirham charity of a poor person is better than 10,000 dirham charity given by the rich.
- If you are prepared to commit a sin, then search for a place where Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala does not exist.
- O People! If you do not want to worship the one true Lord, then do not utilize that which He has created. It is better that the World regard you as a criminal in relations to Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala thereby regarding you as a hypocrite.
- To see the learned ('Aalim) and pious keeping the company of the rich and wealthy is a testimony of hypocrisy.
- Do not trade or deal with an oppressor or his associates.
- To cry in Paradise is surprising, yet more astonishing is to laugh in the World.
- When you have no rights on the perfume, you should close your noses to it, for even its scent is forbidden to you.
- Save oneself for praising the corrupt wealthy, for the praise of an oppressor reveals the Wrath of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
- To publicly give charity with an intention to entice people to be charitable is better than giving charity secretly.
- To think that Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala Almighty is present with you at every given moment is the most excellent form of Faith.
- A Polite person who wishes for anything in this World or in the Hereafter will definitely get his wishes granted.
- The believer has five types of fear:
(1) Allah may take his faith away from him
(2) The recording angels may write down something that may expose him on the Day of Resurrection.
(3) Shaytan may cause his deeds to become invalid.
(4) The Angel of Death may come to him without warning
(5) The world may tempt him and distract him from the Hereafter.

- Those that deal with Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala with sincerity and honesty hate to deal in any other affairs without sincerity and honesty.
- A beast of burden recognizes his master yet people do not recognise their Master (Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala).
- Once in the reign (Khilafat) of Sayyidun 'Uthman Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, there was a great drought. People began to sell their valuables and possessions cheaply to supplement their necessities. Sayyiduna 'Uthman Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho was informed that a certain orchard was being sold at a very cheap price and he should buy it. So he decided to buy it. On his way to purchase the orchard, he came across many people who were poverty stricken, starving and distressed. On seeing the condition of these people, he became very perturbed and unhappy. He distributed the entire money he had with him amongst the people. When he returned to his home, he was asked if he had purchased the orchard. He answered, "Yes! I have bought an orchard in Paradise for you all."
- All good deeds are associated with Modesty and all bad deeds are with Immodesty.
- Backbiting and malice causes injury to three people. Firstly to oneself, secondly towards whom it is directed to and thirdly to the person who is listening.
- To desire the administration of justice, is Paradise of the World.
- Whosoever repairs his own shoes, visits an ailing servant, washes his own clothes and also patches it, then that person is free from pride and boastfulness.
- People are spies of your vices.
- The sword wounds the body while insults hurt the soul.
- A person does not become a Faithful servant, until and unless he distances himself from sin and those that praise and respect him (because of his status) become his equal.
- The best sanctity for a Muslim male is, when he guards his tongue, his sexual organ and his gaze.
- Amongst the sinners, the gravest is he who finds the time, to discuss the faults of others.
- The disgrace and disrespect shown to a Muslim is due to him straying from his religion and is not due to lack of gold (wealth).
- For a needy and poor person to come to you, is a gift to you from Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
- The skin of a beloved or favorite person becomes soft just like his heart. His dedication is prominent. The softness of his skin and heart is noticeable and he finds peace only in the Remembrance of his Creator.
- To find a person steadfast on Truth are far and few, but many are those with status, dignity and high moral values.
- No matter how destitute a person is, he should never feel subjugated.
- When a person's tongue becomes quiet and friendly then his heart becomes pious and clean.
- If I sleep at night and awake in the morning repentful, then I find this better in comparison to staying awake the whole night and rising up in confusion.
- To do the most disliked of occupations is better than begging.
- Sin in any manner would at some time, make ones heart restless.
- Remember your kafan (shroud for covering the dead) instead of beautiful clothes, remember the grave instead of the luxuries of lavish mansions and remember all that delicious foods you feast on shall one day make you a delicious feast for the worms.
- Ten things are the greatest waste of time:
(1) A scholar whom no one asks about
(2) Knowledge that is not acted upon
(3) Sound advice that is not accepted
(4) A weapon that is not used
(5) A Masjid that is not prayed in
(6) A Mushaf that is not read from
(7) Wealth from which nothing is spend in charity
(8) A horse that is not ridden
(9) knowledge of asceticism in the heart of one who is seeking worldly gain
(10) A long life in which no preparation is made fot the journey (into the Hereafter)

- Had our hearts been pure, we would never tire with the Dhikr of Allah.
- What prevents me from narrating Ahadith from the Messenger of Allaah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) is not the fact that I was not one of those Sahabah with the best memories. What prevents me is that I can testify that I heard Messenger of Allah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) say, 'Whoever attributes anything to me that I never stated should prepare for his abode in Jahannam.
- Verily the greatest of all the intelligent people is the one who controls his Nafs and acts for his life after death.
- Take note of the fact that I am a follower (of the religion) and not an innovator.
- This world implied vanities, so let not the world mislead you, and let no deceiver seduce you.
- Fear Allah, for, fear of Him is shield against His wrath and a means to Him. Beware of choosing others than Allaah. Stick to the main body all together and become not parties. 'And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers.
- I trust in the One Who created and completed His creation.
- By Allah, I never hurt anyone or longed for anything. And, I never let a Friday pass without freeing a slave.
- The wise speaks few but comprehensive words.
- Know! The world surrounds you with deception.
- Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allah, let him be of good cheer, but whoever seeks worldly gain will be a loser.
- No one conceals something in his heart, but Allah causes it to be seen on his face or in a slip of the tongue.
- No one does a good deed but Allah will make it show on him.
- Everything has something to undermine it, and every blessing has something to diminish it. The thing that undermines this religion and diminishes this blessing is those who criticize a great deal and those who stab in the back; they show you what you want to see and they conceal that which you dislike.
- It is sufficient for you that the one who envies you is distressed at the time of your joy.
- The people have spread all over and become inclined towards evil, with three types of motives for that:
(1) Love of this world
(2) Whims and desires
(3) Hatred and grudges - Son of Adam! Know that the angel of death who has been assigned to you has not ceased to pass you and move on to others, ever since you have been in this world. But it is as if he is about to pass someone else and move on to target you, so be careful and prepare for him (by correcting your deeds). And do not forget him, for he does not forget you. And know o son of Adam, if you are heedless about yourself and do not prepare, no one else will prepare for you. You must meet Allah the Mighty and Majestic, so take for yourself and do not leave it to someone else. Peace be on you.
- It is a matter of wonder that man believes in death, and yet laughs.
- I would not like a day to come when I do not look in the covenant of Allah.
- Three worldly things have been made dear to me: Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and reading Qur'an.
- There are four things which are outwardly virtues, but in reality are obligation: mixing with righteous people is a virtue, and following their example is a duty; reading Qur'an is a virtue and acting upon it is a duty; visiting the graves is a virtue and preparing for death is a duty; and visiting the sick person is a virtue and asking him to make a will is a duty.
- Allah has given you these worldly conveniences so that you may seek reward in the hereafter; He has not given them to you so that you may be content with them. This world will fade, but the hereafter will abide forever, so you should not be tempted by these temporary conveniences or let them distract you from that which is eternal. Fear Allah, adhere to the main body and do not divide into groups and factions.
- Concern with this world is darkness in the heart, but concern with the Hereafter is light in the heart.
- I ask Allah for forgiveness if I have done wrong, and I have already forgiven if I have been wronged by other.
- If our heart were truly pure, we would never have our fill of the words of our lord.
- I had no interest in songs, I never committed any immortal deed, and my right hand never touched my private part since I swore allegiance to the messenger of Allah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam). I did not drink alcohol during Jahiliyyah or in Islam, and I did not commit Zina during the Jahiliyyah or in Islam.

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Benediction be upon the ascetic of Mosque of Ahmad
Countless salutations be upon the wealth of army of poverty
Countless salutations be upon the bride groom of two lights of chastity
who was indeed the excellent chain of the scattered pearls of the Holy Qur'an
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