[IqraSense.com] *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Assalamu-Alaikum and Greetings !The blessed month of Ramadan is here with its opportunities for those who are willing and eager to make use of those opportunities. However, before we get engaged in the daily Ibadat (worship) of Ramadan, it's prudent that we review some of the larger goals for this month and that we keep them in perspective during the whole month. As we start our Ibadat, our focus should be to make long lasting changes that can carry us even after the month is over.The article below discusses this topic in further detail. Even if you think have heard these messages before, you can always pick up some nuggets of wisdom or knowledge. So, ensure that you do take a few minutes to read the article and share it with those who can benefit from it.As a reminder, if you are not connected with IqraSense.com on Facebook, or to be able to get more frequent updates, please become a fan of the IqraSense page on Facebook by clicking on "Like" at the link provided below.As always, please don't forget to share this post on Facebook, Twitter or E-mail it to others who may benefit from it.Click on the the following links below to read the posts."Like" IqraSense.com on Facebook New Readers who are forwarded this E-mail: Click here to subscribe to IqraSense.com E-mail Updates! http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=7IY1I&m=3j4lQUNie.BWmp.&b=pGbQZs26mcQPBkL2Hw6PwA http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=7IY1I&m=3j4lQUNie.BWmp.&b=p8CpFftZjXymF5DH4vTvBwPS: If you do not wish to receive E-mails from IqraSense.com,please click at the link at the end of this message to unsubscribe.6497 S. Telluride St, Aurora, CO 80016, USA
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