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From: ibnsuleman bhai <ibnsulemanbh3@gmail.com>
To: Muhammad Shuaib Shaikh <mdshuaibshaikh@yahoo.com>; junaid shaikh <ingenious.junaid@gmail.com>; Iqbal Shaikh <shaikh.iqbal9999@yahoo.com>; aasiya shaikh <aasiyashaikh23@gmail.com>; Sam John <john4uat@gmail.com>; "skhfz12@yahoo.in" <skhfz12@yahoo.in>; Farrukh Abidi <farrukhabidi@yahoo.com>; "21.mohsin@gmail.com" <21.mohsin@gmail.com>; Mohammad Ayyub Shaikh <ayyub.pharma@gmail.com>; Mohtashim Ahmed <mohtashim@gmail.com>; Aftab Siddiqui <aftab.siddiqui08@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2013 2:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: The Noor of the Heart and Commitment to the Sunnat
From: ibnsuleman bhai <ibnsulemanbh3@gmail.com>
To: Muhammad Shuaib Shaikh <mdshuaibshaikh@yahoo.com>; junaid shaikh <ingenious.junaid@gmail.com>; Iqbal Shaikh <shaikh.iqbal9999@yahoo.com>; aasiya shaikh <aasiyashaikh23@gmail.com>; Sam John <john4uat@gmail.com>; "skhfz12@yahoo.in" <skhfz12@yahoo.in>; Farrukh Abidi <farrukhabidi@yahoo.com>; "21.mohsin@gmail.com" <21.mohsin@gmail.com>; Mohammad Ayyub Shaikh <ayyub.pharma@gmail.com>; Mohtashim Ahmed <mohtashim@gmail.com>; Aftab Siddiqui <aftab.siddiqui08@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2013 2:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: The Noor of the Heart and Commitment to the Sunnat
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From: Ihyaauddeen.co.za <no-reply@ihyaauddeen.co.za>
Date: Thu, May 23, 2013 at 1:35 PM
Subject: The Noor of the Heart and Commitment to the Sunnat
To: ibnsulemanbh3@gmail.com
From: Ihyaauddeen.co.za <no-reply@ihyaauddeen.co.za>
Date: Thu, May 23, 2013 at 1:35 PM
Subject: The Noor of the Heart and Commitment to the Sunnat
To: ibnsulemanbh3@gmail.com
The Noor of the Heart and Commitment to the SunnatOne sunnat of Rasullallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is far more superior than a 1000 spiritual states of ecstasy that a person experiences. It is the commitment to the sunnat that will take a person forward. If one holds firm to the sunnat, but does not experience any spiritual state etc. he will be successful. On the other hand, if a person is not committed to the sunnat, but has spiritual experiences then this is not a sign of him being successful. Allah Ta`ala has a system in place for people being blessed with Jannah etc. It is not a 'lucky packet' as some consider it to be; that a person as a matter of luck gained his admittance into Jannah. If this was the case then what was the purpose of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) exhorting the Ummah in innumerable ahaadeeth to carry out various acts of righteousness. Yes, what we may say is that those incidents which speak of a person being admitted into Jannah just on account of one action, actually mean that the person carried out many other righteous deeds, but this particular action was the culminating action that led to him being blessed. (Mufti Ebrahim Salajee) Source: Al-Haadi |
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