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Monday, 21 January 2013

[Yaadein_Meri] Martyrdom in the honour of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)


Martyrdom in the honour of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) A Hindu organisation in India published several heartbreaking and insulting books to incite and stir up the passionate feelings Muslims have for Islam. Towards the end of 1923, Raajpaal, an active supporter of this organization, again published an abusive book in which the honour of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was openly attacked. This publication caused a huge cry in the entire country. The Muslims held large meetings and gatherings to object and protest against it. A case was opened against Raajpaal who was given a six month sentence and a thousand rupee fine!! Thereafter the high court freed him and also pardoned the fine. This abusive book continued to be published as well. On the night of the first of April 1929, a youngster by the name of Alamud Deen, together with his brother, attended a meeting in Lahore in a garden near the Delhi Gate. Hadhrat Moulana Sayyid Ataa-Ullaah Shah Bukhaari (rahmatullahi alaih) delivered an emotional and touching talk. Though clause 144 of the Indian constitution had been invoked, thus barring any type of meeting or gathering, yet the Muslims held a unique gathering. This lover of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) delivered such a heart-rending talk on the noble reputation of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) that it reduced the entire crowd to tears. People cried aloud uncontrollably. In his address to the Muslims he said, "Today you have gathered here to protect the honour and respect of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Today, the honour of that very personality who has brought honour to mankind is in danger. The honour of this great personality is be ing attacked, honour that all creation is justly proud of." Hadhrat Mufti Kifaayatullah Saahib (rahmatullahi alaih) and Hadhrat Moulana Ahmad Sa'eed Dehlawi (rahmatullahi alaih) were present in that meeting. Moulana Ataa-Ullaah Bukhaari (rahmatullahi alaih) addressing them said, "Today the mother of the believers, Hadhrat A'ishah (radiyallahu anha) and
Hadhrat Khadijah (radiyallahu anha), are calling out at the doors of Mufti Kifaayatullah and Moulana Ahmad Sa'eed, 'We are your mothers. Do you not know that the disbelievers are abusing us?' O people check! Is Hadhrat A'ishah (radiyallahu anha) not standing at your door?" These words pierced into the deep recesses of the hearts with such passion and fervour that the gazes of the listeners instantly shifted towards the door. From all directions the echoes of sighs and cries could be heard. He continued, "The condition of your love is such that in normal circumstances it will fight till the bitter end, but do you not know that today Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is uneasy beneath the Green Dome! Today Hadhrat Khadijah (radiyallahu anha) and Hadhrat A'ishah (radiyallahu anha) are restless! Do you have any place for the mothers of the believers in your hearts? Today the mother of the believers, Hadhrat A'ishah (radiyallahu anha) is seeking her right from you, that very A'ishah (radiyallahu anha) whom Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to call "Humayra" and who softened the miswaak for Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) at the time of his death. Remember, if you give your lives for Hadhrat Khadijah (radiyallahu anha) and Hadhrat A'ishah (radiyallahu anha) then this is not something insignificant!" Hadhrat Moulana Ataa-Ullaah Saheb (rahmatullahi alaih) further said: "As long as there is even one Muslim alive, then those who are attacking the honour of the Prophethood of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) cannot be at ease. The police are full of lies, the government is corrupt and the deputy commissioner is helpless. They do not stop the absurd talks of the Hindu newspapers but they stop the lectures of the honourable Ulama. The time has come for this clause 144 to be broken. I am going to show you that with the bottom end of my shoe I will crush this clause." It was as if his lecture had set the entire city on fire. In Lahore, meetings were now being held at every corner against this disgusting book, its author and its publisher. On the sixth of April 1929, at exactly one o' clock, the hero Alamud Deen went to the shop of Raajpaal and asked, "Where is Raajpaal?" Raajpaal himself replied, "It is me. What work do you have?" Our hero immediately took out his knife and attacked him and he continued stabbing him until he
delivered him to Jahannam forever. He then said, "This is the work I had with you." Our beloved hero was then arrested. On 10 April 1929, the hearing commenced. On 22 May 1929 Alamud Deen was sentenced to death. On 30 May, an appeal was made in the high court. On 15 July, Muhammad Ali Jinaah, acting as the attorney, presented the case in the high court. The high court rejected the appeal. On 31 October 1929, as was his daily practice, Alamud Deen performed his Tahajjud Salaah and was engaged in dua, supplicating in the court of Allah Ta'ala, when he heard some heavy footsteps. He heard the sound of the footsteps stop at his room door and when he looked in that direction, he saw the executioners waiting for him. At that moment the superintendent's eyes began to profusely flow with tears. Alamud Deen looked towards him and said, "You must stand witness as to what my last desire was and why I terminated my Salaah so quickly? (He had performed his salaah shorter than his normal practice). It is possible that the Magistrate may think that I am causing a delay with the intention of trying to lengthen the last moments of my life." The superintendent of the jail opened the door and Alamud Deen advanced towards the door smiling. Placing his right foot out of the room he told the magistrate, "Come! Let us not delay." They then hurried him towards the execution room. Whilst passing a prison cell, he raised his hand wishing the inmate farewell. In reply the inmate raised the slogans in praise of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and his prophethood. The jail authorities and the Magistrate realised that all the prisoners had stayed awake the entire night bidding Alamud Deen farewell. The prison echoed with the repeated recitation of the Kalimah Shahaadah. Alamud Deen stopped for a moment. He looked towards the Magistrate and the police, his lips moved and he then proceeded. At the execution area, besides the authorities, there were armed policemen. Their gazes were fixed on this hero of Islam. Prior to this they had seen many people approach t he execution area, but never before had they seen anyone move with such determination. They realised that the "life" Alamud Deen was to be blessed with, is something every Muslim was desirous of.
Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih) was then made to wear black clothes and his eyes were covered with a strip of black cloth. When the Magistrate asked him what his last desire was, he said, "I wish to kiss the noose and place it around my neck myself." Thereafter his feet were tied. On this occasion Alamud Deen, addressing those around him, said, "You be witness that I have killed Raajpaal in the honour of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and be witness that I am giving my life reciting the Kalimah Shahaadah with deep love of my Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)." Alamud Deen recited the Kalimah Shahaadah aloud and then kissed the noose. He understood everything that was to become the means of delivering him to the court of the beloved, to be blessed. Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih) then placed the rope around his neck himself. The Magistrate lifted his hand and with a mere indication the plank beneath the feet of Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih) was pulled. Within seconds the soul of Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih) took flight from his earthly body, not allowing the body to even feel a twitch or tremble of pain. It was as though Izraaeel (alaihis Salaam) had taken his life even before his body was hung, to save him the pain and suffering. The doctor confirmed his death and his blessed body was lowered from the execution platform. Besides the father of Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih), hundreds of Muslims were sitting, waiting for the authorities to hand over his dead body. The senior authorities decided that the body of Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih) will not be handed over to the Muslims. They feared that the conditions will only worsen. Upon the martyrdom of Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih), forceful protest meetings were held against the English Rule in Miyaanwaali. There was a closure of all shops in the market area. The death of the martyr was mourned and anger and grief was expressed. In the janaazah of Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih), besides the prisoners, a few local resident Muslims took part. The government of the time arrested many individuals of Miyaanwaali. Cases were opened up against them. They were eventually sentenced to six months imprisonment and given fines as punishment. After the martyrdom of Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih), his blessed body was buried in the prisoner's graveyard in Miyaanwaali. This was done in conformance to the instructions of the governor. He understood Alamud
Deen (rahmatullahi alaih) to be one without any friends and helpers, a dead and weak individual of the community. When this news reached Lahore and other parts of the country, objections were raised from all sides. On 4 November 1929, a delegation of Muslims met with the governor of Punjaab and presented their request. Eventually the request of the Muslims was accepted with a few conditions attached. On 13 November 1929 a delegation of Muslims came to Miyaanwaali under the leadership of Sayyid Maraatib Ali Shah and Magistrate Mirza Mahdi Hasan. The deputy commissioner of Miyaanwaali, Raajah Mahdi Zamaan, hosted them. A box was made by one of the builders of Miyaanwaali and the next day, the district authorities together with Noorud-Deen, with utmost respect, removed the body of Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih) from the prisoner's graveyard and brought it to the bungalow of the deputy commissioner of Miyaanwaali. Noorud-Deen showed them that although two weeks have passed, there was no offensive odour coming from the body and in fact it was emitting an amazing fragrance. They kept the body in a box in the home of the deputy commissioner of Miyaanwaali. From there the body was taken to the Miyaanwaali station. A special coach transported the body to Lahore. Finally the body of Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih) was buried in the graveyard of Miyaani Sahib. The crowds of Muslims that attended the Janaazah were like the waves of the ocean striking against the shore. Hundreds of thousands of people took part in this Janaazah. The Janaazah Salaah had to be performed four times. Moulana Muhammad Shamsud-Deen performed the janaazah the first time, Sayyid Deedaar Ali Shah the second time, Sayyid Ahmad Shah the third time and Ali Shah Sahib the fourth time, and on this occasion he held his blessed beard and he addressed himself crying, "You are a descendent of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and you have thousands of followers, but the son of a person having lower standing in society has surpassed you." The funeral procession was five and a half miles long. Moulana Sayyid Deedaar, Ali Shah and Allaamah Iqbaal placed the body in the grave with their own hands. Allaamah Iqbaal on this occasion kissed the forehead of
Alamud Deen (rahmatullahi alaih) and recited a couplet in praise of him having surpassed everybody. (Adapted from: An Noor Monthly Journal – India)

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