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Sunday, 20 January 2013

~:C.C.4.U:~ Mark Eliot Lovett and his paintings





 Mark  Eliot Lovett y sus  pinturas

Mark ,born and raised in Maryland, began playing guitar and singing professionally at the age of 14 till thirties.
He struggled for years depending on with alcohol. 
Fortunately his passion for art healed him and leading  to a spiritual connection to every painting he creates.
 He is a graduate and studied  figurative and portrait painting at Nelson Shanks' Studio
 Incamminati in Pennsylvania, The Art League School in Alexandria, VA., and he attended several master artist workshops throughout the country, honing his skills depicting human form and painting live models regularly. 
He works with local models, including one who has been used in many of the famous Pino's portraits.
Mark has won numerous awards including: 2006 Portrait Society of America Children's Portrait Competition; 2007 Women's Club of Chevy Chase, MD Annual Art Show; 2005 Rockville Art League Art Show Winner
In 2008, Mark was voted into the prestigious Art Renewal Center's Living Masters group as a "Living Artist". 

Thank you 
All The Best and Good Luck
  God Bless You & Your Family 
My Regards & Blessings 

Uma Maheswar Nakka 


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