The Problems of Muslim Ummah in 21st Century : Dear Brothers & Sisters in Islam: Assalm o Alaikum: 'It is not possible to please everybody' This phrase is very true. بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيم Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah Bukhari :: Book 9 :: Volume 92 :: Hadith 382 Narrated 'Abdullah: The best talk (speech) is Allah's Book 'Quran), and the best way is the way of Muhammad, and the worst matters are the heresies (those new things which are introduced into the religion); and whatever you have been promised will surely come to pass, and you cannot escape (it). Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A. said: We will be Dignified, prosper & progress with (Following of) Qur'an & Sunnah & will be Humilated Destroyed & Retrogressed ( By Quitting 0f) Qur'an and Sunnah Al-Qur'an says: The heirs of the Book ( In todays Taweel –it is Muslim to whom this Ayaat fit)
169. Then after them succeeded an (evil) generation, which inherited the Book, but they chose (for themselves) the goods of this low life (evil pleasures of this world) saying (as an excuse): "(Everything) will be forgiven to us." And if (again) the offer of the like (evil pleasures of this world) came their way, they would (again) seize them (would commit those sins). Was not the covenant of the Book taken from them that they would not say about Allâh anything but the truth? And they have studied what is in it (the Book). And the home of the Hereafter is better for those who are Al-Muttaqûn (the pious - see V.2:2). Do not you then understand? As a result of the above aya't: The following is the punishment: The Portion of following Aya't (2/85) Highlited in blue Also fit s to the Current position of Muslim Ummah
85. After this, it is you who kill one another and drive out a party of you from their homes, assist (their enemies) against them, in sin and transgression. And if they come to you as captives, you ransom them, although their expulsion was forbidden to you. Then do you believe in a part of the Scripture and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment. And Allâh is not unaware of what you do. As a result of downfall of Muslim Civilization, The non-Muslims including Pervaizees, Qadyanies, Aghakhanies, & not excluding other non-Muslims commenced to interfere in the religious affairs of Muslims. They themselves are Travelling towards the Hell and want Muslims to follow them & Muslims are involved in that: Virtues and Merits of the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 56 :: Hadith 662 Narrated Abu Said: The Prophet said, "You will follow the wrong ways, of your predecessors so completely and literally that if they should go into the hole of a mastigure, you too will go there." We said, "O Allah's Apostle! Do you mean the Jews and the Christians?" He replied, "Whom else?" (Meaning, of course, the Jews and the Christians.) Now the re are several HYPOCRITES who ask me: Why am I sharing TAFSERR IBN KATHEER with the internet READRES?, This explanation of Holy Qur'an is now 800 years old. In there fancy they think 800 years old Tafseer has become obsolete! – This is because they are not Muslims they can only criticize whatever correct picture of Islam is presented. They think they are scholars of Islam and I think I humbly think I have very little knowledge of my Deen. Now that I have quoted two Ayaat of Holy Qur'an are sufficient for those who are true Muslims. For debaters on the subject Even volumes of writing books will not change their mind set. They are deliberately playing mischief so that ignorant Muslims "who now commence their Education with A for apple D for dog & P for pig. And their parents admire Montessori/Kindergarten" – could be laid astray. This all has to happen because the following ahadith speak for the subject and are self-explanatory: Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 34 :: Hadith 275 Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A time will come when one will not care how one gains one's money, legally or illegally Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah Bukhari :: Book 9 :: Volume 92 :: Hadith 410 Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: I heard the Prophet saying, "Allah will not deprive you of knowledge after he has given it to you, but it will be taken away through the death of the religious learned men with their knowledge. Then there will remain ignorant people who, when consulted, will give verdicts according to their opinions whereby they will mislead others and go astray." Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 9, Book 88, Number 206: Narrated Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman: The people used to ask Allah's Apostle about the good but I used to ask him about the evil lest I should be overtaken by them. So I said, "O Allah's Apostle! We were living in ignorance and in an (extremely) worst atmosphere, then Allah brought to us this good (i.e., Islam); will there be any evil after this good?" He said, "Yes." I said, 'Will there be any good after that evil?" He replied, "Yes, but it will be tainted (not pure.)'' I asked, "What will be its taint?" He replied, "(There will be) some people who will guide others not according to my tradition? You will approve of some of their deeds and disapprove of some others." I asked, "Will there be any evil after that good?" He replied, "Yes, (there will be) some people calling at the gates of the (Hell) Fire, and whoever will respond to their call, will be thrown by them into the (Hell) Fire." I said, "O Allah s Apostle! Will you describe them to us?" He said, "They will be from our own people and will speak our language." I said, "What do you order me to do if such a state should take place in my life?" He said, "Stick to the group of Muslims and their Imam (ruler)." I said, "If there is neither a group of Muslims nor an Imam (ruler)?" He said, "Then turn away from all those sects even if you were to bite (eat) the roots of a tree till death overtakes you while you are in that state." Virtues and Merits of the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 56 :: Hadith 690 Narrated Abu MasudUqba: The Prophet said, "One of the sayings of the prophets which the people have got, is. 'If you do not feel ashamed, then do whatever you like." Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim) Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4284Narrated Thawban: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.
43. Have you (O Muhammad {IF A PERSON REFUSES TO ACCEPT SUNNAH THEN HE IS FOLLOWING HIS DESIRES AS HIS LORD/S SO O'MESSANGER pbuh WILL YOU PLEAD HIS CASE??? ( ON YAUM-UL-HISAB!!!)} I hope these answers should suffice the critics otherwise:
63. And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allâh) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness {And the slave of Most Merciful walk on earth softly (polite deposition) and with confidence and when they come across Stubborn and disputers (Just debating to spoil faith/belief of Muslims) They respond with Salam (means: sorry we are not allowed to Gossip) ( and depart)}
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Saturday, 21 July 2012
[Yaadein_Meri] The Problems of Muslim Ummah in 21st Century
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